You can obtain your Multi-tool (which is required for several actions) at the Clockwork Cantina just right of where you enter Steamworks Island. The challenge has an unfinished gear device and 5 gears, 2 large and 3 small. The big gears go at the top and bottom, and the smaller three in between, connecting them. When all five are in place, turn the crank at lower right several times clockwise.
*Place one large gear over the shaft (circle) nearest the large fixed gear at the top. The gear teeth should intersect. Similarly place the other large gear next to the large fixed gear at the bottom. The three small gears will connect these, being placed on three shaft pins down the right center.
you keep the yellow ones in place then put the red one next to both yellow ones and then put the 3 blue ones next to the red ones
At the Clockwork Cantina where you enter the island, put the gears into their proper places and turn the crank to dispense a Multi-Tool. The two large gears go at the top and the bottom, on the pivots there, and the three small gears connect them down the center.
(The solution is at the related question "How do you beat Steamworks Island")
There is no Clockwork Island. (see the related question)
There is a video walkthrough at the related link below. There are written WikiAnswers solutions at the related questions, as there are for all Poptropica islands. (How do you beat Steamworks Island) (What is the walkthrough for Steamworks Island)
Beat the island.
how to do the bridge terminal on poptropica's steamworks island
This was a glitch in poptropica that they forgot to make a way for you to get out. If you have haunted house island or something like that, just go there and exit to go back to steamworks, where it will take you back to Main St.
When Sprocket is grabbed by the vines at the Captain's Quarters, slam the metal windows shut to cut the vines.
The island that includes a museum in the quest is Counterfeit island. (see the related link) There are also museums on Early Poptropica, Shark Tooth Island, Nabooti Island, AStro Knights island, Mythology Island, Steamworks island, Cryptids Island, and Game Show island.
There is no Mechanical Island. However, Astro Knights Island is replete with robot plants and animals, while Steamworks island has actual plant monsters as well as mechanical devices. Game Show Island is populated by robots. (see the related questions)