Sniper Assassin (June 2008) was the first in a series of five stick-man shooter games produced by Ultimate Flash Games from 2008 to 2010. It was the shortest of the series, having only 6 missions.
(for the other four games, see the related questions)
Step-by-step of the missions (level names below):
1. Shoot the guy coming from the left wearing a Baseball cap.
2. The upper plane is from Japan. The one from China lands below it, and you can shoot the target as he walks down the ramp.
3. Shoot the guy at the desk after the guard walks away.
4. Shoot the 7th prisoner that walks out. You can get him in the doorway or he is visible through the windows of the bus.
5. Shoot the 6 guards and then the two forklift drivers. There are 4 guards along the top, one at middle right, and just a head showing at bottom right.
6. Shoot the 4 guards, then the 4 workers. You have to wait until the top guard walks left, turns, and walks away. Then kill the one at right, then him, and the third guard at the top right. There will be another guard crossing the floor. When he is shot, pick off the 4 workers as they run back and forth.
There are Mission Names, but no access to missions using these names, as was possible on later, more difficult Sniper Assassin games.
1. The Target
2. Touchdown
3. Mansion
4. Prison Break
5. Neighborhood Cleaning
6. Neighborhood Cleaning II
(see related link)
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(There is a video walkthrough at the related link below.)
Sniper Assassin 2 is the second of five stick-man shooter games by Ultimate Flash Games. This is the step-by-step walkthrough (September 2008). Level passcodes below.
1. Shoot guy who creeps along house.
2. Shoot the 2 gang members. The leader wears a red scarf on his head.
3. On the second floor, far right window, shoot the stalker going through the dresser drawers.
4. The target is coming down the steps behind 4 bodyguards. Shoot him.
5. Bump off the old guy by dropping a tree branch on him. As he runs across left to right, shoot the base of the large left limb on the tree at far right.
6. When the guy in glasses walks quickly right to left and meets the guy with the envelope, shoot him. (*There is a glitch in some versions that does not send the target. Type level code for 7, which is persuasion.)
7. Torture the guy to get him to talk. The key is to keep the lamp swinging (F) while you use hits (A, S, Q, W) to increase his Fear level until it is higher than Guts. Each time the lamp stops, hit F again. When fear exceeds guts, press the spacebar.
8. There are 5 guards: shoot two inside, then others left to right. You can't shoot the guy by the car until the roof and window guys are dead, or the roof guy before the right guy inside is dead.
9. Probably the toughest level. Shoot both targets when they walk onto the roof. You might get two shots at the first and three at the second.
10. On the beach, shoot the kite string and the volleyball (easiest when the player catches it). When all three leave the beach, shoot the leg off the guy in the chair.
11. Torture him until he talks. The key is the lamp (F) as in mission 7 - keep it swinging to raise Fear faster. Hits Q and W, and lemon juice (D) will raise fear while waiting to hit F, then you can raise it quickly with (A), and press the spacebar. You don't get your answers until part III (June 2009).
Level codes (work best at Armor Games and Kongregate)
Mission 1 - liar
Mission 2 - bully
Mission 3 - maniac
Mission 4 - justice
Mission 5 - loving wife
Mission 6 - ransom
Mission 7 - persuasion
Mission 8 - hideout
Mission 9 - sucker (DIFFICULT)
Mission 10 - beach party
Mission 11 - the truth
(see related questions)
Sniper Assassin IV (4) was the 4th of a series of five stick-man shooter games released by Ultimate Flash Games between June 2008 and October 2010.
Mission-by-Mission solutions (level codes below):
1. Shoot all 3 bank robbers.
2. Shoot all 3 kidnappers. Shoot the guy controlling the door (left), then the one going to the car, and lastly the one hiding in the back of the garage.
3. At the left, shoot the left rope holding the board up. It will swing down and right.
4. As the lower guard walks right, the one patrolling the balcony will go left then back right. When he does, shoot the guard at lower left, then quickly the balcony guy. When the other guard comes back left past the low wall, shoot him, then the final guard at right.
5. The gigolo is on the couch, lower right window, between two women.
6. Shoot all 6 snipers, 3 high and 3 low. It is evidently random, so there is no way to know which one will shoot first. So kill them all and eventually the order will work for you. Then shoot the guy in the Golf cart.
7. Shoot the rope when the limo passes the timber truck. It is the 6th vehicle.
8. A different torture scenario. Fire as each of his arms and legs passes the aiming point. You have 8 shots to get 4 hits.
9. Whale away at the car, using mostly W and R (the crowbars).
10. Shoot the 4 guards and hide them from sight. Shoot upper left, then the tree branch above him. At far right, shoot out light, then guard. Back at left, shoot guard as he moves into bushes. In the center, shoot the last one when he is near the fountain and he falls in.
11. A dance challenge. As each arrow reaches the lighted zone at bottom left, press the corresponding arrow key on your keyboard. You have more than 100 chances and need 50 more hit than missed. (The misses subtract, but no negative sign will warn you that the number is below zero.)
12. The easiest of the SA torture challenges. Dunk him in the toilet, then whack him with Q, W, A, or S a few times, then dunk again. After 4 dunks, he should talk.
13. The female agent Charlie has been grabbed by the bad guys and is being held in a dark warehouse. Rescue her by shooting the attackers with the night scope gun. The guys with knives and axes can be shot nearby, but the ones with pistols can strike from farther away.
-- Third Floor: shoot the rope that Charlie is hanging from, then move right as she walks, killing 3 attackers. As she crosses a post, 1 sneaks up behind her, so kill him, 2 ahead of her, and 1 more behind her. Then 1 more from the front finishes the floor as she makes it down the stairs.
-- Second Floor: Pan left and shoot both ropes holding the board, which covers the open hole in the floor. As she crosses, 2 guys emerge from the left, one with an ax and one with a pistol. Shoot both, then quickly 1 more with a pistol behind her to the right. As she nears the stairwell, 1 with an ax will leave it and hide behind the post*. Shoot him before he gets there, then swing far right to get 1 more guy with a pistol. She reaches the stairs.
-- First Floor: As she moves right, kill 2 guys. As she crosses the post, 1 comes behind her. Shoot him, then rapidly go right to shoot 2 guys with pistols. One last guy comes at her from behind. This completes the mission.
* It is possible to shoot the guy behind the post, but not as easy.
Level Codes:
Level 1: bank heist
Level 2: papa
Level 3: charlie
Level 4: outskirts
Level 5: gigolo
Level 6: par
Level 7: passerby
Level 8: apple
Level 9: horse power
Level 10: hide and seek
Level 11: footloose
Level 12: iron maiden
Level 13: nocturnal
Shoot the guy with all the different colored chips in front of him (center right).
(see related question)
You gotta shoot the little tiny guys that walk out the door. It's really hard but once you've done it gets easier.