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The Karate Kid ad-game appeared on Poptropica beginning September 28, 2010 in connection with the DVD release of the Jayden Smith/Jackie Chan movie on October 5, 2010.

The object of the game is to recover three vases bearing the Chinese symbols for Pride, Respect, and Honor. The symbols can be found in a book atop the pagoda (tower) at far left. One vase is the second of four along the ground, and the other two are atop pagodas (towers).

There are 4 "bullies" who are watching the scene : three on the ground and one atop a tower. When you come within view of a bully, the meter at upper left will begin to move from blue to red, indicating that you have been seen. If the colored bar reaches the far end of the meter (red), you have been caught and must start over. Ducking or running away will prevent the meter from rising.

The process :

  1. Run across the scene to the far left, and climb the poles to recover the book.
  2. Return to the ground and cross right to the first vase (Pride). Pick it up and go left to climb again.
  3. Jump across the tower roofs to the one at the far right, where you will find the second vase vase (Respect).
  4. Jump one tower to the left to get the third vase (Honor), which is guarded by a bully. Click the vase before the meter goes to red.

You receive a Karate Kid costume and a "Kick" effect card.

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