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PoptropiCon is the 40th island of Poptropica, a three-episode quest released beginning in August 2014. It is loosely based on the Marvel Avengers comic and the 2015 movie Avengers: Age of Ultron and features the goings-on at a convention of Poptropica fans.


Episode 1 is Line Forms Here. Episode 2, Spoiler Alert, was released for free general use on November 13, 2014) Episode 3, Reign of Omegon, was released on April 16, 2015.


PoptropiCon 3 - Reign of Omegon

Omegon takes over the Convention, but the fans fight back. (delayed twice, possibly due to conflicts with the basis of the story, the Marvel superhero movie Avengers: Age of Ultronreleased May 1, 2015)

1) You awake from the finale of Spoiler Alert, in a hiding place with other fans who escaped detention by Omegon and his minions. The emcee of the costume contest gives you info about a possible way to beat Omegon. You need the three simulated weapons used by the Mighty Action Force, but the three actors wearing their costumes have been imprisoned by Omegon.

2) Go left and get the Energy Drink (also the first of three you collect). Use the vent that leads to the Exhibit Hall, where Elf Archer is imprisoned.

3) In the Hall, you find red lasers firing, some on-and-off. Go far right to find a Silver Age World Guy Shield, which you can use to deflect on-off lasers into the controls for it or other lasers.

* As you gain each of the weapons, a small icon will appear at lower left so that you can toggle each of them on and off as you need them. Press your spacebar to hold the Shield out left or right.

4) Face left and use the Shield to deflect the laser left into the controls, shutting off that laser.

5) Go left and repeat the process with the laser firing to the left, and face right to deflect it upward. This knocks out both of the lasers there.

6) Climb up and deflect the laser firing down, sending it left, knocking out all three lasers.

7) Go left and press the Red Button that releases Elf Archer. Follow him back to the hideout.

8) Elf Archer (an actor) gives you his Bow and Arrow. Go right to enter the vent that takes you to the Expo, where Goldface is being held.

9) Omegon's minions are using a machine to convert humans into drone minions. But their machine malfunctions as they use it on the Wizard character (from episode 2) carrying an Energy Drink. An exposed wire shorts out one, and the other one leaves.

10) There are Green Energy Barriers that can be turned off by shooting an arrow into its controls. You have to be on the same level. Click the Bow icon at lower left, then press the spacebar to shoot an arrow to the left or right.

11) Shoot the first switch just to the right of the machine. Go right and climb up, because the next switch is too high. Push the loose 'circuit box' to the right, off the platform, so you can stand on it to shoot the arrow into the second switch. The barrier drops covering the third switch (upper right) which you can shoot from the highest barrel, left along the platform. A laser prevents you from reaching the cage with Goldface.

12) Push the second circuit box left, exposing a hole in the floor. Climb down to the lower level, click to equip your Shield, and reflect that laser up through the hole, destroying the controls. Push the button to release Goldface and follow him back to the hideout.

13) Back at the hideout, Goldface gives you his Electron Pulse gloves, but they have no power.

14) Head back to the Expo and go to the exposed wiring. This will power up the Pulse Gloves. Touch the small triangle at the left of the machine to free the Wizard character, who gives you your second Energy Drink.

15) Go back to the hideout, then to the Exhibit Hall. Use the Pulse Gloves to activate the drink machine there and it will give you your third Energy Drink.

16) Go to the hideout, then to the Theater, where World Guy is being held. Use the Pulse Gloves to start the small elevator at left, and as you are going up, select the Bow and shoot the switch to turn off the lower Green Energy Barrier. Jump through and use the Shield to deflect the laser to the right, to destroy the right side laser control. Unfortunately this latest use destroys the Shield. Use the Gloves to ride up the second elevator, shoot the switch for the upper Green Energy Barrier, and release World Guy, and follow him back to the hideout.

17) World Guy gives you the Modern Shield, and you have all three weapons. But the emcee has betrayed you and the Resistance to Omegon, who appears through a Portal. He apparently cannot be defeated as shown in the comic. He reneges on his deal with the emcee and takes her away, leaving his minions to capture you. But there is another way to defeat Omegon, as shown in another comic (#378), and you escape to attack his Power Crystal, which is in his throne room at the Theater.

18) In the Theater, climb to the top and use the new Shield to deflect the laser there. Go left into the Throne Room to deal with the Crystal. Below it, attach an Energy Drink to each of the three open connections, each of which will increase the power of the Crystal, until it reaches critical. Use the Pulse Gloves on the three Slider controls to start them moving. Climb right and shoot an arrow into the crystal through the gap, past all three of the moving Sliders. The crystal explodes, and Omegon's throne is destroyed.

19) Unfortunately, you are not finished yet, as Omegon has been thrown into his alternate dimension, and drags you there through a Portal. As you go, you obtain the powers of Alphaon, and you face a gigantic version of Omegon (the final boss).

20) The object is to use the lasers and elevators as you have done before. Deflect the laser to hit one of the elevators "claws" that are smacking down on you, jump aboard, use the Gloves to power it, and use your Bow to shoot the two green power switches on one side of Omegon's head. This causes one eye to glow red, so you have to deflect the laser to destroy this as well. Repeat on the other side.

* You have to use the shield to deflect the lasers each time, and avoid the elevators, or you lose the shield for a time.

21) Omegon is defeated, and the convention building returns to normal. The repentent emcee gives you the Island Medallion for PoptropiCon part three.

Notes and Glitches:

* In episode 2, after winning the Omegon card in the card game, Poptropica can lock up. Also, trying to play the card game after you get the Omegon card may make Poptropica lock up or the card deck become unusable! This may occur if you play the game (not required) in Episode 3.

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