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You have to go on the website and go on commity and then click restier and then make a account then wait 1 or 2 days then you can go on muitlplayer.

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Q: How do you be able to go on multiplayer on wolfquest it wont let me login to be a new person so i can sign up so i can go on and play what up with that?
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How do you create a username and password to join a multiplayer game on Wolfquest?

You will need to register via the WolfQuest forums. From the WolfQuest website, click 'Community', then click 'Register'. You eill need to wait usually 1-3 days, though often account activations are done within a day - until your account is activated. Once activated, you'll be able to login to the forums and game.

Will you be able to be a pup on multiplayer in the new WolfQuest?

No you will be unable to play the role of a pup in single player or multi-player.

Will you be able to bring your pups to Amethyst Mountain in WolfQuest?

Not what I know. No, not if your in single player or multiplayer. In multiplayer, you can role play to have pups[ not a mate though]. You can only have wolf pups in slough creek. Hope this answer helped!

Is there a site that gives you a free wolfquest account?

You can signup to the WolfQuest community completely free. Activation typically takes a couple days, but once activated, you'll be able login to the forum and game completely on your own account with your desired username. :)

How do you get the normal wolfquest?

You are not able to get previous versions of WolfQuest.

What can i do in wolfQuest?

WolfQuest is a virtual game where you can play as a wolf. It requires no math, science, etc., but it is learning about wolves. In WolfQuest, you pick from various different realistic wolf colors, then you explore a large area called Amethyst Mountains. There, you explore 3 different territories on a quest to find a mate. Next, you go to the second episode and raise pups with your mate. **Remember: nothing inappropriate is shown, so it is safe for all ages.**That is only single-player, though. In multiplayer, you have to create an account on Then, you click a certain server in the multiplayer version and you enter your username and password. WolfQuest requires downloading, but it does NOT have any and viruses. WolfQuest is safe and fun, but if you do not select 13 and older, then you will not be able to talk at all in multiplayer mode. I hope this helped!

On WolfQuest where do you create your wolf?

Click on either Single Player or Multiplayer. A window will pop up. There you'll be able to customize/create your wolf. Simple, no? When you click on WolfQuest on your computer, it will come up with a window. Click ply and then the menu will come up. Click on either Single Player mode or Multiplayer mode and it will then come up with customize your wolf. You can then change the colour, and stats of the wolf. Shadow

How do you play wolfquest multiplayer after your account is activated and when you click multiplayer it says the multiplayer rules how do you play you cant get out of the multiplayer rules?

We've seen this problem before, under two circumstances I believe.Addressing the first problem: we saw was users having symbols in their usernames, such as "+", "-", "#", "^", etc that were the cause of these problems. When they deleted their accounts and registered a new account under a different username (the WQ administrators no longer change usernames per request) that did not contain such characters, they were able to login to multiplayer without problems, though this wasn't related to bypassing the rules page (since that's a recent addition, and this issue has been long-standing).To address the second issue, make sure you're playing WolfQuest with a screen resolution higher than 800 x 600 pixels! Anything lower than this will render it impossible to click the 'agree' or 'disagree' buttons, and resolutions higher than this will render the screen properly.

When you buy minecraft premium how will you know?

You should get a confirmation e-mail and you should then be able to download and install the client to login.

You are not able to login to your Facebook profile?

yes i can login my profile. if you are not able to login in you account on facebook. then set you system time and date and then try to login again.

How do you make a new WolfQuest account?

You must register at the official WolfQuest website. After registering, your account will be queued for approval; this is mainly to prevent spammers/spambots and to limit questionable/inappropriate usernames. Only after your account has been approved will you be able to login to the forums or play multiplayer games. Please be patient and give at least four days for this process to happen; if after this duration your account is still not active, it's a good idea to contact the board administrator via e-mail. All necessary information in the sources/related links. Happy WolfQuesting. ^^

How do you go to the Muliplayer chat on WolfQuest?

I want to get on multiplayer but i cant they said somethin about a lexicon chat somethin like tht. whts a lexicon chat??? someone plz help me.I assume that Lexicon Chat is whatever they use to allow chatting between players in multiplayer mode - sometimes it cannot be accessed due to poor internet connection. Now, to answer the original question; to access the multiplayer mode, you have to register an account on the WolfQuest website. When your account in registered, you have to wait for a period of time for it to be fully accepted by the site admins. The maximum amount of time you should have to wait is 3 days, and they recommend that if you still have not received a confirmation email by then, you should email the admin address that will be contained in the first email you receive from them for signing up. (Don't delete that email!) Then, once you have been confirmed, I think you will be able to log in to multiplayer games with your website login and password. If not, they will probably provide an alternate password. Sorry for the ramble - hope I helped! xx