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This is bugging me Too!! not sure how the hell you do it!

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Q: How do you aim down the silverballer scope on hitman absolution on PS3?
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u move the right analog stick up and down. if that doesn't work try the left analog stick but I'm pretty sure it's the right

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How to install a rifle scope?

Here's the basics on mounting the scope on a rifle. ( Assuming you have a scope mount on the rifle.) 1. Place the bottom half of the scope rings on the rifle first (Without the scope attached.) 2. Place the scope on the bottom half of the rings and adjust the scope mounts to comfortably fit your eye. When adjusted, tighten down the bottom half of scope rings to the rifle mount. ( The scope should have one cross hair adjustment at the top and one on the right.) 3. Place the scope in the rings and then put the top half of the rings on. Tighten them down, but not VICE tight, just loose. You still want to move the scope some. 4. Look through the scope and align the cross hairs level with the rifle barrel. The Vertical line should be straight up and down at a right angle with the barrel. 5. when you have the scope adjusted to your eye and the barrel of the rifle, tighten the top scope rings in a crisscross pattern a little at a time. Don't vice one down then go to the next one. Do it a few turns on each one until they are tight. A final note. If you have a small screw hole and screw at the back end of the scope mount (on the rifle) you may want to place the rear scope ring against that screw. This is a scope stop. This will keep the scope from moving back from the recoil. Some scope mounts have a long pad at the rear of the scope mount that acts the same way. It's usually necessary on high powered rifles not 22's.

How do you use elevators in hitman bloodmoney?

I have this game on the 360 and I just go up to the buttons, hold down A button scorll down to 1st floor or whatever and press A button. :) Hope this helps!

What should you do if in Hitman Contracts when you reach the third level and complete it Windows says that Hitman Contracts has encountered a problem and needs to shut down?

You should utter a small curse at Eidos for releasing a game which is both incredibly kickass and horribly buggy. The hitman series has become infamous for crashing, even after patching to the latest version (which you might try) The only way I've ever found to actually play all the levels in hitman is to use a level unlock cheat, for Hitman contracts you can do that by.... quoth IGN Open the HitmanContracts Configuation Settings file found in: C:\Program Files\Eidos\Hitman Contracts and change the following: DefaultScene=AllLevels\Logos.gms to DefaultScene=AllLevels\levelmenu.gms Save and play! You will get a level select menu.

How do you scope a rifle?

You are asking this question in the Shotgun category, so I must say that you don't scope a shotgun. Here's the basics on mounting the scope on a rifle. ( Assuming you have a scope mount on the rifle.) 1. Place the bottom half of the scope rings on the rifle first (Without the scope attached.) 2. Place the scope on the bottom half of the rings and adjust the scope mounts to comfortably fit your eye. When adjusted, tighten down the bottom half of scope rings to the rifle mount. ( The scope should have one cross hair adjustment at the top and one on the right.) 3. Place the scope in the rings and then put the top half of the rings on. Tighten them down, but not VICE tight, just loose. You still want to move the scope some. 4. Look through the scope and align the cross hairs level with the rifle barrel. The Vertical line should be straight up and down at a right angle with the barrel. 5. when you have the scope adjusted to your eye and the barrel of the rifle, tighten the top scope rings in a crisscross pattern a little at a time. Don't vice one down then go to the next one. Do it a few turns on each one until they are tight. A final note. If you have a small screw hole and screw at the back end of the scope mount (on the rifle) you may want to place the rear scope ring against that screw. This is a scope stop. This will keep the scope from moving back from the recoil. Some scope mounts have a long pad at the rear of the scope mount that acts the same way. It's usually necessary on high powered rifles not 22's. You most certainly can and should scope your shotguns as long as your state allows the use of scopes on them. I have scopes on all of my shotguns, and especially my slug gun!

How do you break down the word ophthalmoscope?

ophth almo scope that is you break the word ophthalmoscope