well you put your lips together, you close your eyes and stick your toungh out and blow really hard. wait till your face gose a diffrent colour. PS:this may cause fainting. but you are now were to blowing a kiss. HEEEE GOT YA SUKER
on flirty section.but you must get the book to learn it
I should be an expression you already know, located in the Flirt section of your expressions.
just look around in the book store and talk with the book guy to see if he is selling it
It is closest to the water. You have to blow kiss someone. :)
You learn by practicing... kissing is the only way to learn how to kiss...
You use the blow kiss emote on the emotes list.
It's called blowing a kiss
um you cant kiss on meez. you should know that. u cant kiss on meez because they wont let u just type in kisses Actually you can blow a kiss by typing in *kiss *xxx These will make you have a action that will blow a kiss
You can't kiss in Free Realms, but the Flirt action for girl characters can cause the character to blow a kiss.