To win pet rescue saga level 46, you will have to save four pets to get 18000 points.
if you follow the giant squid shadow and jump on the bubbles behind it in the first level of the black puffle rescue you get the key to the underwater member room
Sonic rescues Elise many times in that game. Basically, just find the next level and WIN.
They would have to fight first
you hit it
You can click the free item icon on the right hand side of the page. Its not always there. You have to watch a video to win a lucky box. If you are lucky you can get a pet. But sometimes you get a really crappy item. The higher the level you are, the less the Free Item Icon appears.
how do you win level 3 on Box men
yes maybe if they fight to the death.(if they do naruto will win!
NAURTO WOULD WIN he has a nine tails,sage mode, and super mode NAURTO CAN BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF AANG
You win by passing level 5.The game keeps going but if you get past level 5 you win
you win a MASTER BALL!
You win it in a mission.
Mixed Martial Arts Champion and youngest person to win a black belt continuous fighting title