That date of the revival of the WoW Tournament relm is still not determined, it is etimated to come around the next Blizzcon.
The standings are published by Blizzard Entertainment on their websites, and most arena-related fansites also track current arena and tournament realm standings.
A World of Warcraft player can discover the WoW status of his realm by visiting the home page of his realm. You could also ask others on the World of Warcraft Forum.
To play any World of Warcraft you must select a realm and make your character.
A realm, and a place. Hope it helped ;)
That means that the realm is either full or almost full.
Close to 11,700.
no you are not stuck on one realm you can change realm at anytime at the top right corner of the screen.
Which Brian? There are thousands and thousands of Brian's out there.
It is impossible to know what realm Mr Chapelle plays on unless you know him personally and he tells you.
I don't think there is such a server with that name.
Dethecus his character name is skiye