Go to the grassy fenced in area around the entrance to Lilycove and go down to the dock and SURF(a Pokemon must know surf to get there,you can't fly there either)You'll see this rock with an entrance and go inside,Then you've reached Mt.Pyre.
yes then go to stalteport and show the guy your ticket and he will take you to an island where you catch a legendary pokemon. (i forget which one it is) Comment - I searched for " Where do you find Mt. Chimney on Pokemon Emerald? " and it came up with this ? Why ???
MT. Chimney is in Pokemon Emerald. Hope this does not work!
mt pyre
There is no such mountain in emerald. In diamond and pearl theres one called Mt. Coronets
You dont!
Stark Mt. is'nt in Pokemon Emerald. Believe me, I own that game.
Mt chimney is not on Pokemon diamond, pearl, or platinum. On D&PP it is mt coronet, mt chimney is on ruby, Sapphire and emerald.
Mt. Pyre Grass
Mt. Pyre in Pokemon Emerald is near Lilycove City on Route 122. You have to surf to get there, or make it to the Safari zone. There's a cave where you have to go in and move up, and there you will find Mt. Pyre.