

Best Answer

It's kinda self explanatory go to body and hit tattoos.

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Q: How do create a tattoo on guitar hero metallica?
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Will there be a Guitar Hero Metallica?

Yes there is it came out in September 2009. On Guitar Hero Metallica you can create your own player and you can play Metallica songs like Battery, Seek and Destory, ect.

What is Guitar Hero Metallica?

Guitar hero Metallica, like Aerosmith, would be a Guitar Hero game that focuses on only one band that is Metallica. its a game

When you buy Guitar Hero metallica does it come with the guitar controller?

Well, you can buy Guitar Hero Metallica with or without the guitar!

Is the song Riding Lighting on Guitar Hero Metallica?

No, Riding Lightning is NOT on Guitar Hero: Metallica.

Will we be able to create instruments in Guitar Hero Metallica just like we could in Guitar Hero World Tour?

Yes you can, and there is more features

Will their be drums for Guitar Hero metallica?

You can sing(microphone), guitar, bass, and DRUMS in Guitar Hero Metallica!! I got it and I SO recommend it to any rock/metallica fans out there!!!!!

Is the guitar from Guitar Hero Metallica compatible for use with Rock Band?

yes but why would you play Rock Band if you have Guitar Hero Metallica?

Will Guitar Hero metallica have a guitar pack?

yes it will

Does the Guitar Hero Metallica controller work with Guitar Hero 3?


Will the Guitar Hero 4 controller be compatible with Guitar Hero metallica?


Is one in a rock band?

No, but it is on Guitar Hero 3 and Guitar Hero Metallica.