There is no difference. They are the same. Just that "Flat Iron" is what the professionals and salons call it. They are the exact same thing. :)
you cant there is no way for you to sadly enough.
Currently all the boys of One Direction live in the same flat complex in London (:
As long as both players have Xbox Live Gold you can play 2 seperate accounts on the same console on Zombies and Multiplayer.
People live in Haiti the same way you live where you live. It's like me asking you why people live in USA?
There are no laws that say a brother and sister cannot live together at the age of 20 but sleeping in the same bed is a little strange. Maybe you can get two separate beds for sleeping in your flat.
You call people gay if they are attracted to members of the same gender. But it's really better to call people by their names.
same reason why people call a chair a chair
No, they live the same as God, to infinity and beyond!
Gay people live in Georgia the same way straight people live in Georgia.