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You put the card in the reader, it reads the files and you can open them on the computer.

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Q: How do SD card readers work?
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Related questions

Where can i download Sd card reader driver?

from the card readers manufacturers website

Will it cause any harm to the SD card readers to apply tape on the SD card beside the faulty write protect switch?

It will most likely not cause any harm to the SD card readers to apply tape on the SD card beside a faulty write protect switch as long as the SD card still fits easily into the slot and does not peel back or come off.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of USB SD card readers?

The advantages of a USB SD are that you can store information. The disadvantages of USB SD card reader is that it can be lost easy.

What is the cost for a SD memory card reader?

SD memory card readers can be purchased from a variety of locations, and the cost will depend on this. One can find a cheap USB SD card reader for as little as $2 on eBay.

What sizes of camera card readers are available?

Camera card readers are small devices that have an SD card slot, and a USB head so they can be plugged into the computer, and the pictures can be taken from the SD card. These readers come in generally the same length of about 2.5 cm, though their width can vary from 1 cm, to 4 cm.

Will the usb memory card readers prevent any unwanted writes to the micro sd and standard sd memory cards?

Getting a USB memory card can prevent unwanted writes. This can go for a USB memory card, micro SD and a standard SD memory card.

Does the SD card on the DSi work on the Wii?

The SD card will work on the Wii but the information stored will not work (with the exception of pictures)

Do all SD cards come with a card reader?

In general, very few to no SD cards come with SD card readers, which is to be expected, as CD's don't come with CD players, etc.

What is the purpose of a micro SD reader?

Micro SD cards are used in many phones and PDA's to add additional storage to a device. These cards are so small, they do not fit into many built in card readers available on many computers. Micro SD card readers plug into the usb port and allow a user to read information from the micro SD card.

Does a dsi need a sd card?

It doesn't need a SD card, but you can put in a SD card if you want to store more pictures and music. If the SD card doesn't hold music, but camera, the SD card will not work on the music.

Will an SD Card work in a CF microdrive slot?

An SD Card will not work in a Compact Flash or Microdrive slot. You need to have an SD Card drive slot or a multi format memory reader which is compatible with SD Cards.

Will the USB memory card readers lock switch prevent any unnecessary writes to the SD memory cards?

Yes, the USB memory card readers lock switch can prevent any unnecessary writes to the SD memory cards.