game stop[not guaranteed]
On Game Stop website one can use the search bar found at the top of the page to find a specific product. The wii controller can be found on sale for different styles and different prices at Game Stop.
I bought two Ps2 controllers at Game Stop for 10 bucks each!
In game stop deidara creation1
Maybe but the will pay very little
If you are looking for a controller to your game cube, this can be purchased as several different online and brick and mortar stores. If you have a local Game Stop in your area, you may want to start your search there.
Game Stop or almost any gaming store will probably have them
10 to 20 bucks depending on condition
it could just be your controller. try messing around with the analogs or a new controller.
i probably based on what condition its in and ps3 rocks
When the light on your controller is flashing every couple seconds it is an indicator that your batteries are low. To check the battery level you hit the guide button and it should display a small battery symbol in the top left corner. To stop the flashing just replace your batteries.
It can walk, walk backwards, turn right, turn left using the left side of the controller. It can move its head right, move it left, move its tail right and left using the right side of the controller. There is a stop button you push to make it stop doing what it's doing. Their is a chomp button that makes it chomp and smell. The demo roam button will make do whatever it wants. It has lots of buttons on it you can push to make it do other things.