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yes because they were taking up SPACE IN Africa AND EATING ALL THERE FOOD AND THEY FARTED TO MUCH

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Q: How did the chimera get killed?
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Who killed the Chimera in Greek Mythology?

Bellaphron killed the chimera

Who is Chimera and who killed her?

Click link below and choose Chimera from menu!

Who did the chimera battle against?

Chimera was killed by Bellerophon, astride Pegasus,

Who did Apollo save from the Chimera?

Apollo saved his wife and he killed the chimera as well

How did belleraphon kill the chimera?

Bellerophon killed the Chimera with the help of Pegasus, a winged horse. Riding Pegasus, Bellerophon shot arrows at the Chimera from above, eventually finding a gap in the Chimera's armor to deliver the fatal blow.

What is the chimera's strength?

The Chimera's strengths were that it could breath fire from the lion head, but it weakness was obviously pegasus, because that's who killed him.

Who killed the chimera?

Bellerophon. Who killed the Chimera whilst riding Pegasus the winged Horse that sprang from Medusa's Severed head. He killed it but putting lead down its neck so it breathed fire and the lead melted. You can imagine what happened after that.

What was the fate of the chimera?

Bellerophon killed her. He felt the heat of the breath the Chimera expelled, and was struck with an idea. He got a large block of lead and mounted it on his spear. Then he flew head-on towards the Chimera, holding out the spear as far as he could. Before he broke off his attack, he managed to lodge the block of lead inside the Chimera's throat. The beast's fire-breath melted the lead, and blocked its air passage.[13] The Chimera suffocated,

Which Greek god soared away on Pegasus and killed the Chimera?

Bellerophon. He was not a god, but a mortal hero.

Did chimera get killes?

Yes Chemira was killed by Bellephon while riding peasaus. Bellephon stabbed Chimera with a lead spear in the throat be that didnt kill it the lead melted and seared the innards and thorat when it stopped breathing fire at him

In Greek mythology what hero beheaded Medusa Bellerophon Theseus Heracles Perseus?

Perseus. Bellerophon killed the Chimera, Theseus killed the Minotaur, and Heracles completed the 12 labors.

Was Chimera nocturnal?

Was Chimera nocturnal