Kraken is the world's gigantic squid that lives in the Norwegian Sea. The kraken lives in the sea bed and when a ship comes by its long tenentacles grab the sail and sink the ship to the sea floor where it eats the ship and the passengers.
The sea monster looks just like a squid but the size of a small island. It has 8 red tentacles, a beak that is bigger then a ship and to big red eye that is bigger then 6 humans. This sea monster is 13-15 m length and also the height of the kraken can reach up to the top of a sail. The tenentacles are estimated to be 13 metres.
The kraken can eat anything even a shark. It is said that the sea monster eats ship, humans, squids, fish, whales, pirates and sailors. When the Kraken attacked a ship, it wrapped its arms around the hull and capsizes it.
The kraken is so big that some says it lives in Norway, Iceland and the Scandinavia seas. But mostly in the Scandinavia seas and Norway.
Probably no legendary creature was as horrifying as the Kraken, a giant sea monster. There are lots of pictures of the kraken also poems and stories. Some clam to have said that the kraken still lives down in the daps.
The kraken
Carolus Linnaeus included kraken as cephalopods with the scientific name Microcosmus in the first edition of his Systema Naturae (1735.)Please note the kraken is a legendary sea monster out of Icelandic/Norse myth and saga.
the kraken
Your mom lol kraken
The legendary kraken is thought to be the colossal squid. Release the kraken! Hold your kraken, we'll need him later...
No, but is a Jewish profit by the name Kile Whinesberg
Project Kraken is a special organisation that is on a mission to find and discover the kraken.
The Kraken.(is Greek) or Godzilla Kapa
kraken(squid)Kaguya(in inuyasha)
There is no single kraken. The name refers to any large squid or perhaps even octopus. The sea monster Cetus killed by Perseus (who used the gorgon head of Medusa to turn it to stone) was not a kraken but a large serpentine fish.
Yes the Kraken is very real
No one - the kraken is mythical.