The "big breasted babe" sunflower will only bloom once you find all the "tickly bees" on the map. Once found, they need to be escorted back to the sunflower. The bees aren't hard to find, just keep exploring the map.
yes you can all you need is project 64k and conkers bad fur day ROM
No :(
it mends nothing
well you cant just talk to anyone like u would in say fallout 3 for the xbox360 but when u approach a certain area it will go to a cinematic movie where the characters interact
Justin Bieber's "Never Say Never"
Yes! It is the best kids game ever too!
no they are good for you
stop eating the shell
I think there is something you have to get to play xbox games on the 360 if you have the hdd then yes you can
There is no specific amount of sunflowers that is too much. Different individuals will have different dietary requirements, as well as differing tolerances to the amount of oils in sunflower seeds. What may cause one person no problem at all can cause another gas or intestinal discomfort.