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Your computer is jamming up because of worms. Worms tend to slow up the system and are often undetectable. I would suggest that you install a good antivirus ( i would suggest Quickheal) as manually trying to weed out the worm infested files could be difficult. There is also a chance of you deleting a wrong file.

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Q: How can you stop your computer jamming?
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The Vulcan is already prone to jamming, even when not modified. What you should do is throw that in the dumpster, and buy a Stampede ECS-50.

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hit it with a hammer a few times(but not to hard)

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Try different ammunition, give it a good cleaning, change magazines.

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The band was jamming out on stage, playing a mix of classic and original songs.

What is the past tense of jam?

jammed. [[: or jamming. 'was jamming' / 'is jamming'. either or.

How do you spell the word jamming?

Jamming is the correct spelling.

When was Car Jamming created?

Car Jamming was created in 1982.

When was California Jamming created?

California Jamming was created in 1996.

Can you brake your computer with a piece of paper?

If you mean "break" as in destroy, yes, by jamming it inside the hard drive or another essential part.

Are there any restrictions on using radar jammers near airports?

Yes, any form of active radar jamming is illegal, but you are permitted to use passive jamming. Passive jamming is not as effective as active jamming, however.