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Generally, yes. However it actually depends on the laptop.

Your laptop's specifications must meet the minimum requirements as stated in the game's installation instructions or guides.
Installing games on a low-end laptop will likely cause problems such as overheating and frying the motherboard. Make sure your laptop matches the minimum specifications detailed in the game's installation guides.

Also be aware that laptops have less airflow than computers, therefore you may also want to buy a cooling rack or an elevated surface for your laptop, to increase the air flow to the fans underneath it. Games tend to cause a lot of heat and dust in laptops, which can lead to other problems, if you are not careful.

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Roblox is not compatible with netbooks, only MOST Windows products.

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You would need XP or higher, have Roblox downloaded, and have a good graphic card with a good fps rate.

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If your laptop meets Roblox's system requirements you can play on it. If your laptop has at least a 1.8 gHz possessor, 512 MB of RAM, and Windows XP SP2 or higher it will support Roblox. Practically any laptop made within the past few years should support Roblox.

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Roblox is simply a program, and is very unlikely to "mess up" your laptop. If by this question you mean does roblox contain viruses, the answer to that is no as well. Roblox has been tested by several anti-virus sites and was found as clean.

Can you have Roblox on EEE PC 8g?

Roblox can go onto any pc laptop or computer. I'm assuming that a EEE PC 8g is a laptop. Don't worry. As long as it's a pc, it works with ROBLOX!

How come my laptop screen goes black for about a minute the shuts off when im playing roblox?

Maybe your Laptop has a virus or maybe it has a many bytes thats why you can't play on roblox.

Why do you have to run something when you play roblox?

When you play Roblox the only thing that you have to run is Roblox itself. When you click to play a Roblox game the Roblox application launches an then connects you to the game. This must be ran as it is Roblox, and without it you would not be playing.

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Does Your Laptop Meet ROBLOX's Requirements? Contact Your Nearest Electrical Store For Assistance.....

Can ROBLOX updates slow down my laptop?

It depends. As a ROBLOX player myself, it has not done much. But, if you have a old, slow, or/and defective computer it may.

Will roblox tell you when your bc is about to run out?

Yes, you will get a notification on Roblox and a e-mail.

Does Roblox give cookies because my computer was fine until playing Roblox a few weeks after WHY this is very upsetting and to include it permanently destroyed my computer?

Its true, roblox CAN do that, it is also rare that it wouldn't. I got an account on roblox and it gave my laptop a virus. I got rid of the virus and roblox didn't give me a single problem after that. A person like you with your laptop broken, i would just play the game at a library instead or not at all.

What laptops cant you play roblox on?

Any laptop which does not meet Roblox's system requirements would not be able to play. Any laptop with slower than a 1.8 gHz possessor, 512 MB of RAM, or not featuring Windows XP SP2 or higher will be incapable of supporting Roblox. Also no mac's will be able to play roblox, though Roblox is close to implementing full mac support in the near future.