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No, you can't do that. You can only disenchant the item, you can't 'edit' it. You'd have to wait for one of the mages to stock a restoration robe, you could disenchant that and enchant a regular robe with it, but it might end up weaker unless you've got a high enchant skill.

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Q: How can you replace an enchantment in skyrim for example you have a robe of minor destruction would you be able to change the enchantment to say restoration without destroying it?
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Can you give a sentence for word enchantment?

Example sentence - New Mexico is referred to as the Land of Enchantment.

Can you explain what options such as magnitude and duration do when enchanting in Morrowind?

Magnitude is the power of the enchantment, for example 10-20 points, while duration is how long the enchanment will be in place, for example 30 seconds. Area is the range that will be affected by the enchantment.

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Fortune is an enchantment applied to pickaxes. It increases the amount of materials you can get from one ore block, so for example if you were to mine a diamond ore block you would get 2-4 diamonds from that block depending on the level of the enchantment.

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To completely destroy. Example of a bomb destroying something to a million pieces.

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The lava from a volcano destroying a nearby forest is an example of a natural disaster. This process, known as a pyroclastic flow, occurs when hot lava, ash, and gases flow rapidly downhill, destroying everything in its path. It can have devastating effects on the environment and any communities living nearby.

What is new mexicos nickname?

The Land of Enchantment got its name because of its natural beauty and rich history. The Spanish and Mexicans used to occupy the state and there is still a lot of their culture leftover. For example, New Mexicans have many Spanish fiestas, Spanish food and Spanish is spoken everywhere.

What is the verb for destruction?

The verb of destruction is destruct.Others are destructs, destructing and destructed. Depending on the tense you are speaking or writing in.Some example sentences are:"We will destruct the building"."He destructs the bomb"."The building was destructed"."They are destructing the old buildings".

In magic is activating an enchantment a spell?

All cards, while not on the stack or the battlefield, are considered "Cards". All cards that are on the stack are considered "Spells". All cards that are on the battlefield are considered "Permanents". When you cast your enchantment card, it goes on to the stack as an enchantment spell, and will then resolve to become an enchantment permanent.

Is the Titanic sink an example of a destructive force?

yes because it caused a lot destruction