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If you have beaten Mothership zeta (you have made it to the bridge) you cannot go back to nearly any parts of the ship

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Q: How can you go back through the living quarters in mother ship zeta?
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way back when - the person in charge of the quarters (living quarters, sectioned off areas where a resident person sleeps and stows their belongings) today - in the army, the guys who run the equipment and supply - in the navy, a bridge navigator or someone on bridge watch

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Maya Angelou moved back to live with her mother after living with her grandmother when she was around eight or nine years old.

What quarters between 1964 through 2007 are valuable?

1964 quarters are worth about $3 each for their silver content. 1965 and later quarters are made of cupronickel and have no extra metal value. There are a few errors among the state quarters but everything else is worth 25¢. Major s/q errors are: > Delaware quarters where the horse and rider on the back (Caesar Rodney, if you care) are oriented the same direction as Washington's head on the front. > Iowa quarters where the corn stalk has one or more extra leaves.

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It means look back at the word you filled in for 3-down, and the answer to this one is three quarters of that answer.