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If you want to play "fair", you have to earn the money. That way might not be for the impatient type, though. If you want the house quickly ("unfair" way), you can use an action replay (roughly $20). There are codes that turn all the mortgages to one bell.

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Q: How can you get your house bigger straight away on animal crossing wild world?
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Can you downsize your house in Animal Crossing City Folk?

no, it can only get bigger

What do you say to phyllis on animal crossing to get a bigger house?

Pay your debt entirely, then go ask Tom Nook for a bigger house. Neither Pelly nor Phyllis are involved in this.

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Her house does not exist at this time in any Animal Crossing game .

Animal crossing wild world how 2 get a house?

Well, that's simple!!!!!!!!!!!! You restart your game. to get a bigger house, you need to pay off your loan.

What things can you do in Animal Crossing wild world?

You can make your house bigger and you can make tom nooks shop bigger. You could also visit a cheat site.

How many times does your house get bigger in animal crossing?

It depends on if it's wii, gamecube, playstation, or ds, but i think its five times.

How do you go to resettis house in Animal Crossing wild world?

You can't. Resetti's house is only in Animal Crossing City Folk.

How do you upgrade shop on animal crossing population growing?

after you pay off your first house debt then the shop should become bigger and it will be called Nook'n Go

How do you edit your house in Animal Crossing?

If you mean upgrade, (bigger room, basement, upper-floor) then for the animal crossing that I know of, you have to pay off your house. To do this you go to the post office and ask to "Deposit". It generally tells you how much you need to give until the next upgrade.

Is there a chaeat to upgradeing your house faster on Animal Crossing?

No, but Animal Crossing: Wild World you can get a AR DSi and get infinte bells.

On Animal Crossing Wild World can you get into Ressetti's house?


On animal crossing if you access an account do you get the money you put in there out?

You can withdraw or deposit from your bank account on the Wii version or you can pay towards your Morgage. The morgagepayments you can't get the money out but you do get a bigger house out of it.