These are some ways to get quick cash!
shake all the fruit from your trees. yes they only cost 100 bells each but with a lot of them you could make a lot of money!
sell all the shells on your beach, i once got more than 1,000 bells for selling all my shells.
shake all the other trees in your town, money falls out of them and sometimes furniture does too! even insects hide in the trees sometimes!
catch bugs and fish and sell them to Tom Nook, you could make a lot of bells by doing that!
Chat with our AI personalities
the fastest way is earn money is by shaking trees and fishing and selling the fruit or maybe picking up flowers and seashells also dig up fossils and bugs. point is when i had money to pay off all i did was ran outside dug up fossils fished caught bugs picked up fruits and flowers and seashells and sold it. also on Saturday go to the lady that sells turnips and sell them to tom nook the next day.
Here's a guide that I typed up with helpful hints about AC:CF!
Animal Crossing City Folk Guide to Success!
Money is essential to play any Animal Crossing game whether it's Population Growing, or the new one on 3ds. Making money is a piece of cake if you know what to do.
Tom Nook's Job
The first thing you do when you move into town is a job for Tom Nook. You get put to work on meeting your neighbours, and then you have to plant a few flowers and trees. If you want to make your house look pretty on the outside, plant flowers outside your house and not outside Nook's store. Nook doesn't even know that you did that! Then, you have deliveries to make. Deliver them, but you'll notice that the villagers will give you something in exchange. Don't put them in your house, sell it instead. Then, Nook will get you to send a letter. He'll give you some stationary to write on, but if you want the paper for later, here are some simple 1, 2, 3 steps to get some! Once you've got some paper, go outside of Nook's shop and chuck the paper on the ground. Then, go back in and talk to Nook. He'll give you more paper. Do it as many times as you like, until you get fed up of doing the same thing all the time! Next, you'll be put to work on delivering again until he gets you to put a message on the bulletin board. You can just write gibberish, because Nook doesn't know what you write! Then, you're done work and you're free.
Picking Fruit
There's just one problem. You've got no dough. That's where this guide comes in! Before you do anything, get those letters that you got from Nook and quickly shake a tree with fruit on them. Send the letters to anyone in your town saying 'Send some fruit'. Give them the fruit you've collected as a present. The next day, your neighbours might send you fruit in the mail. If the fruit is not the same kind of fruit that there was at the start of the game plant it and water it until it grows. Keep on planting the fruit when it grows on the trees. Grow in until you feel like there might be too many. When that happens, pick the fruit until you've gotten all of it or you fill your pockets. Then, sell the fruit. Make sure that you pick all of the fruit because they cost 500 bells unlike the ones that you get when you first start.
The next thing you'll need is tools. At first, there aren't many tools in Nook's shop. Buy every tool except the timer, watering can and axe. Then, you can go fishing with your fishing rod. Sell everything you get to Nook. Fishing is a way to make a few thousand bells, but it isn't enough to get rich. The same thing goes with catching bugs with a net.
Fossils, Gyroids and Pitfall Seeds
To get a few 10,000 bells, get a shovel. Then, go around looking for dark brown star-shaped things in the ground. If you see the star shaped things, dig them up. You'll get a fossil, a gyroid or a pitfall seed. If you get a fossil, go to the museum and talk to Blathers. Select 'Identify a Fossil'. Blathers will identify the fossil. Then, he will ask you if he could have it for the museum. Press 'Give it back!' Sell the fossil. You can dig up about three fossils a day. If you get a gyroid or a pitfall seed, sell it.
Money Rock
Your shovel can also be used to access the money rock. The money rock is one of the rocks in your town. Hit all the rocks you can find with your shovel. If you happen to see a coin popping out, keep on hitting the rock until you hear a Mario-like sound. Then, add the money to your wallet.
Saving Up
Remember not to buy anything in the city. You certainly can't buy anything from GracieGrace until you pay off a few mortgages and have heaps of money and furniture. Don't donate to the town fund until you get heaps of money. Go about doing fishing, digging and bug catching for a while.
You will notice that sometimes a balloon with a present sometimes floats over your head. Once you see it, grab you slingshot and shoot a pellet until you get the balloon down. Sell whatever's in the present.
There are plenty of things you can do for an everyday thing, but sometimes there are special events. The first one for the year is New Years. You shouldn't be very excited because of this because it only gives you a shirt. To get things, you mainly need candy.
Festivale is the first candy event for the year. There will be a man called Pave standing and dancing in front of the town hall. It will ask for three of a specific colour of candy. To get candy, talk to your neighbours. Then, talk to them again and they will challenge you to a game of coin toss, verbal soccer, rock, paper, scissors or an ESP test. If you win the games you will get one piece of candy. If you lose you have to give them something that you have. Try having nothing but pitfall seeds, shells, or fruit that is worth 100 bells in your pocket. Don't keep any money in your wallet. If you get what Pave wants, then go to him and he will give you a piece of furniture from the Pave series. Keep on doing the routine until you get sick of it. If you sell the furniture, you will get heaps of money.
Bunny Day
The next event is Bunny Day. You will find Zipper T. Bunny in front of the town hall. He will tell you to dig up Easter Eggs. Once you dig all the stars you can find up, crack them open. If you find candy, save them for a later date. If you find bunny foil, giver Zipper T. Bunny the bunny foil and he will give some exclusive Bunny Furniture in return. If you sell the furniture, you'll get heaps of money.
The next big event is Halloween. Make sure that it is 8pm or later. Make sure that it is not later than 12am. Now would be the time to get your candy. Make sure that you wear a design for a shirt. Make sure that you've got nothing in your pockets. You can keep the candy in a letter temporarily. After you make sure of all these things, roam around town. You will see that the villagers are dressed up in pumpkin heads and blue dresses. You must find Jack. The trick is he is wearing the same thing your villagers are wearing. To tell if the person is a villager or not, you will notice that the villagers will run to you. Try avoiding talking to them. If you find someone who doesn't run to you, get some candy ready and talk to the person. This person is Jack. He will exchange some candy for a piece of the Spooky Series. Do the routine over and over again until you get bored of it. Note that Jack will be in a different place every time. If you sell the furniture to Tom Nook, you'll get a lot of bells. He will also have one piece of candy in stock in case you run out of it.
Harvest Festival
The next event is the Harvest Festival. On that day, at 3pm, you'll find the mayor in front of the town hall with tables of food. If you talk to him, he'll give you a knife and fork. Don't do anything with it until you find a turkey hiding behind a tree, signpost or building. Talk to the turkey. He will say that the mayor is trying to eat him. He will ask if you can give him your knife and fork. Without waiting for an answer, the turkey will take the knife and fork and give you a piece of the Harvest Series instead. Keep on doing the routine until you've had enough of it. Sell the furniture to Tom Nook for some quick bells.
The Night When Jingle Comes to Town
The last one is The Night When Jingle Comes to Town. Make sure that you have lots of accessories, hats, flowers and clothes with you. Roam around town until you find a reindeer. He will ask you a few questions about what you'd like for Christmas. He'll give you a piece of the Jingle Series according to what you have answered. If you talk to the reindeer again, he won't give you anything. There is a trick to getting more furniture though. You can trick Jingle into thinking that you're someone else. Run out of sight of Jingle first. Get into different clothes, accessories and hats (you can also wear flowers), then look around town for the reindeer whose name is Jingle. He can also be in a house that doesn't have a villager inside it. He will not remember you and give you a present. Keep on doing the routine, like all the other celebrations until you get bored. Make sure that it is 8pm before you start looking for Jingle.
Dates and Time Travelling
The dates will usually be told on the Bulletin Board in front of the town hall. Once you have gone through all these, you could consider time travelling, so that you don't have to wait for celebrations. There a few side effects to time travelling. You will get cockroaches in your house, weeds in your town, and bed hair. There are more side effects, but some don't matter as much as others do. Time travelling should be your last option.
Investing in Turnips
You can also invest in turnips. Every Sunday, a hog named Joan comes and brings a few turnips to your town. She will set a price per turnip. They can range from different prices, but it is highly unlikely, or even impossible that you will have to pay 1000 bells for one turnip. You can buy as many turnips as you like as long as you have enough money for it. Tom Nook will buy the turnips on every day but Sunday. If the price is higher than what you bought them for, sell the turnips. That way, you will make a profit. One problem about this is, is those turnips will become rotten after a week. If turnips are rotten, Tom Nook won't buy it. This is not the best resource for money as you might lose money instead of making money.
Mushroom Picking
The last thing that will make you rich is mushroom picking. There will be a few mushrooms in your town every day in November. One will be a piece of the Mush Series. There are four types of mushrooms, skinny mushrooms, round mushrooms, elegant mushrooms and rare mushrooms. Skinny mushrooms sell for 300 bells, round mushrooms sell for 200 bells and elegant mushrooms are 10,000 bells. Rare mushrooms only appear in town if you have a perfect town, therefore having a perfect environment. To check if you have a perfect environment, go to the town hall and ask about the environment. The details should be quite obvious, plus Pelly or Phyllis will tell you what's wrong. If there are rare mushrooms, they will be dug in the ground under a star. Rare mushrooms sell for 16,000 bells.
Be a Millionaire!
If you follow all the rules in this guide, you should become quite rich in no time. If you don't, it may be because you aren't doing it regularly. If you do it regularly, you should be able to get quite a lot of money in a fortnight. After you've paid all your mortgages, then start donating town funds and buying things from the city. That way, you don't have to struggle to make money when you first start. This guide is surprisingly helpful. Plus, you don't have to hack or cheat. Anyone can do these activities and it doesn't include lots of time travelling. This guide will stop people from having to do jobs for other neighbours, and it will stop you from feeling poor. You are sure to be rich in a month!
The next big step you should take after becoming a millionaire is to make friends with your neighbours. It isn't hard to be friends, unless you constantly prank them somehow. This guide features ways to be friends with your neighbours.
All your neighbours have a personality. There are three personalities for each gender. Girls can be snooty, peppy or normal. Snooty girls care a lot about fashion and they tend to brag about themselves quite often. Peppy girls are interested in gossiping and are usually very happy, although they can be a bit dumb at times. Normal girls are quite normal, but they can do embarrassing things occasionally. Boys can be a jock, a lazy person or a cranky person. Boys who are jocks care about their muscles and often talk about doing squats or going to the gym. They tend to talk about their muscles being big, although they are very nice. Lazy boys talk a lot about napping and eating. They can talk about food a lot. Despite being lazy, they are quite normal. Cranky boys are usually old, although they don't look very old at all. They can be cranky and angry, though they tend to say they have ninja stealth when playing hide and seek.
Hide and Seek
Sometimes when you talk to one of your neighbours, they will ask you if you would like to play hide and seek. If you select yes, then the person will get two other neighbours. The screen will turn black, and then you will find yourself in front of the town hall with three other villagers. One villager will go over the rules of the game. Then, the screen will turn black again, and you will have either ten or fifteen minutes to find all three of the participating neighbours. Your neighbours will be hiding behind a house, signpost or tree. If you find all three of the participating villagers, the screen will turn black, and once again you will be in front of the town hall. One of the villagers will congratulate you and give you a prize. The prize is most likely to be a gyroid. To play a game of hide and seek, you have to be friends with the host.
Sick Villagers
Sometimes, one of the villagers from your town will be sick. To make sure that they are sick, you will see the sorrow emotion going on and on, and you will hear a curious noise. To cure them, you have to give them medicine. It is also said that changing the time can effect whether a villager is sick or not. Sick villagers mean that the particular character that's sick won't be able to participate in events. Sometimes, it can be good. For instance, in the Bug Off and Fishing Tourney, you won't have as much competition if you are bad at that particular sport.
Moving Villagers
Sometimes, the villagers will come up to you. If you talk to them, they may ask if they should change a catchphrase or if you'd like to buy or sell and item. They may also say that they have decided to move. It can be a good thing if you don't like that neighbour, but if you do like that neighbour, try and convince them to stay in town. Eventually, someone will have to move. Once the villagers have packed their bags, you can't do anything but say goodbye.
Waving to Villagers
If you position yourself carefully, you might be able to wave to a neighbour while you can see them on the screen. If you are friends, or haven't done anything bad to them, they will wave or bow. If you have pulled a prank on them or haven't been nice to them, they will frown or give you a sad look.
Pranking Villagers
If you don't like one of the villagers in you town and you want them to leave, then it's a good idea to pull a prank on them. To pull a prank on them, you could drag them into a pitfall, hit them with a net or push them around. It is likely that the neighbour you pulled a prank on will move. If you accidently pull a prank on another neighbour, then don't save the game.
This guide has everything you need to know about being successful in Animal Crossing City Folk and Animal Crossing let's go to the City. The point of these games are to be successful by getting lots of money, paying off all your mortgages, looking good, having a good sense of home decor and being friends with all your neighbours! Once you've done everything in this game that you were keen on doing, enjoy life for a while. Kick back and relax. You can spend your time doing peaceful relaxing things for a while. If you want fun and excitement, then move towns. You will have to start all over again, but it's worth it to have lot of fun! If you follow this guide, you'll be skipping towns every month because you'll be so successful all the time! This guide is sure to give you some of the most helpful hints on becoming a millionaire!
Thanks for reading! Hopefully, you'll get loads of money in no time! I included a bit about neighbours in case anyone wanted to know things about that!
Sell cherries, or catch fish. Gyroids sell for a very high price too.
I am really sorry i dont know how you can get infinity bells but i do know how you can get alot. If you put your money in that bank in the city it will give you interest every year so.... set your date (in the wii menu) to 2035 (that is the highest you can go) then go back into animal crossing and you should get a letter in the mail saying you got an amount of money (if you put in 50,000 or more bells into the bank you would get 99,999 bells, but it doesnt matter cause its a fast way to make money anywayz) I really hope this helped and good luck :D
Make it Christmas Eve and find jingle once you get 5 things from him go and sell them you'll get about 120,000 bells or dig and find fossil and get them checked and them sell them there about 5,000 bells each
Yes but if you wanna catch it your reactions have to be FAST! If you take out your net near scorpion/tarantula it will charge at you. They will come out at night/7:00pm
Its honestly not that hard. What I do to get alot of bells is sell stuff and fast forrward to my birthday and your mom gives you 4,000 or 5,000 bells.HOPE THIS HELPED!!!
Some ways to earn money on animal crossing are shake trees, sell stuff, fish, catch bugs, and if you have a shovel go up to a rock and hit the rock with your shovel. One rock a day will have 4,800 bells in it. Dig a hole behind you so you don't move back when you hit the rock, and hit the rock with your shovel as fast as you can for 10 seconds and you might get 4,800 bells.
sell fish, bugs, shells and fruit
In December you have a acorn festivle. You can find a lot around trees there.
You can sell fruit off of trees, fossils and shells on/in the ground, and sometimes when you shake an empty tree, 100 bells falls out, but other time you get nothing or stung by a bee.
Every day there is a money rock, you need a shovel (which you buy from Nooks) and you press A on every rock. Yes also you can fast forward the date to Easter and talk to the bunny. Get the bunny foils but save the candy if you get it the bunny will give you a prize for the bunny foils then you go and sell the prizes there more than 8.000 each then you fast forward to Halloween then find this man and give him the candy he will give you a prize go and sell the prize to tom nook he will give you a lot of money.
There are several ways including: Sell everything in your town-plants and animals Sell everything in you house Wait until summer holidays and there are rare bugs Sell rare,special items such as acorn,snow,spooky and Jingle Put some money in the bank account and time travel to the year 2099 and you earn interest. For other tips visit this site