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you get both of them by getting the ? presents and hidden presents, but it takes a long time to get it, i have been going after them for 2 days now and i still haven't found them. so good luck :P

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Q: How can you get a UFO disc or dartboard in Nintendogs?
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you cant unless it is a disc compitition and then you bring the last disc you played with

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train it at the park and make sure there isn't any other puppies

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21 dots on a standard die

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depends all of the breeds you have to train them to be good at throwing disc you can train them at the park make sure no other puppies are there

Are there different types of UFOs?

Yes. There are the classic disc or "flying saucers". There's the long cigar shape. There's triangular UFO's. Orb shaped UFO's and lights. Also there are USO's but those aren't the same as UFO's

What is the prize for winning the Nintendogs cup on Nintendogs plus cats?

The prize is $500 and a crown which is $1,500 if you sell it (you get the crown in th disc competition) and you get $500 and a gold medal which is also $1,500 if you sell it

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yes just download one off of the internet with your ar disc

What colour is the bull's eye on a dartboard?

The bullseye is red on the dartboard.

Is a shiba inu good for disc competitions on Nintendogs?

well it depends if he/her has practised enuf mine is a girl named Elli she is White/tanish

How do you get a pizza disc on Nintendogs dalmatians and friends?

There is different ways of finding certain items. I'm not sure how to get a pizza disc but i have something alot better... a meteorite!!! They are worth $150!!! So, to the point, how do you get one? Well, like finding all other items, you walk you're dog and find presents. First you must make sure you have changed the time on your DS to late e.g 11:30pm. Then go into nintendogs... the 'clover clock' must be displayed. Then go into acceceries and put a knit hat on the dog you are walking. Walk you're dog and good luck. Oooh(!) A Meteorite! I Have That, A Weird Alien, A UFO, A Maoui Statue, And A Picece Of Gold That Is Worht Over A Million Prounds ;]x

What number is between 20 and 18 on a dartboard?

1 is between 20 and 18 on a dartboard.