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you can open the console with ~ or ^ and type showclassmenu. you have to save with the classmenu still open (without having clicked "done) and then load this saved game in order to keep your stats (by clicking "done" you reset them)

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Q: How can you change your class on oblivion?
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How can you change your class on oblivion on PS3?

Once you've chosen your class that is what you'll play as for the entire game.

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go to the options menu then controlls and you can change them from there.

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if you have oblivion on XP then go to the right notepad document in the oblivion files scroll down until there is a line with words screenshot and change the number 0 to 1

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No, it wont change anything it just fixes glitches.

Is there any way to change your major skills is Oblivion on the Xbox 360?

i only play the PC version, but i understand that the console versions are much the same. Anyway, when you start the game your asked what class do you want to be and birthsign etc....just pick create custom class and you get to pick your major skills and favoured attributes and name that class. This then brings you back to the class selection screen but the list now contains your custom class, pick it and then your set to go

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the best starting character would be a thief born under the thief sign with the assassin class

Would you rather get oblivion or two worlds?

oblivion is awesome.

Can you create a your own class in mw3?

Yes you can. To change your class on PC: esc>change class>(choose class)>esc To change class on PS3: start>change class>(choose class)>start/Triangle To change class on Xbox 360: start>change class>(choose class)>start/B To change your class on Wii: 1 button>change class>(choose class)>1 button/B

What is Oblivion In Latin?

Oblivion or oblivio