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More specifically, I want to know how to pass 2 moves down to a baby pokemon.

Example: I have a female pidgey that knows steel wing and a male one that knows aerial ace. I want them both to be in the baby's moveset? How do I do this?

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Q: How can you breed moves onto a Pokemon?
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BREED the raticate with a ditto then make sure its the only 2 moves it has

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If your answer is... Is it possible for the hatched pokemon to have the same moves as the father or the mother then yes it could

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A Pokemon inside an egg will usually have the moves that its father had. Some moves cannot be passed down though, such as 'volt tackle'. Also, if you breed two Pokemon in an egg group, instead of same species, many moves may not be passed down because they're incompatible to that Pokemon. For example, if you breed a male togekiss with a female pikachu, the resulting Pichu will not have togekiss' special moves like Extremespeed and Aura sphere.

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Almost all non-legendary Pokemon can be bred. However Pokemon can only breed with Pokemon in the same 'breed group'. To breed you need (slightly obvious) a male and a female. If you talk to the guy who gives you eggs and he says the Pokemon prefer to play with other Pokemon rather than each other then there is no possibility of them mating. The Pokemon in the egg created is the same Pokemon as the female although where possible it knows the moves of the male (this is a good way to duplicate tms because the moves are passed down).

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gio onto bulbapedia jees if you like Pokemon you would know that

How do you chain Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond?

If you mean chain breed, then you need to breed a move onto one pokemon, and breed that pokemon with the pokemon you want to have the move on. Say you want a torkoal to know skull bash, you need to breed a rypherior and bouffalant, rypherior needs to know the move skull bash, making sure the bouffalant is the male, then breed the baby bouffalant with a female torkoal to have a baby torkoal that knows skull bash. It seems like a lot of effort, but it's usually worth it, you can become unstoppable! You can do it with any pokemon other than feebas, you can even do it with magicarp, believe it or not, it can learn bounce! One of the best flying type moves!

How do you get a amazing Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

By training them and teaching them new moves.. Sometimes if you breed two Pokemon and hatch their egg, it'll learn strong moves that are very useful. If you like you can search the internet for that. Or you can Use legendaries, and they always have good moves and stats. Ones you can get are Azelf, uxie, etc. You know.

Can you breed a vulpix in platinum?

If you have a Vulpix in ditto, or a female Vulpix with another Pokemon that is the opposite sex. (I've breed numerous Pokemon such as Arcanine with Dugtrio, Eevee with Any of its evolutions, Mightyena, Skitty, and more including Skitty with Wailord). So in my opinion it's a god idea to breed your Pokemon because if you breed a variety of Pokemon that are compatible with another you end up with Pokemon that know/can learn moves that they normally wouldn't be able to learn.

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Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.

Do stat boosting moves in Pokemon GO away upon switching?

Yes, the bonuses are lost. The move Baton Pass specifically passes them onto the Pokemon who switches in.

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you can breed axew cause you can breed any pokemon

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No its just the easiest Pokemon to breed with.