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I'm assuming that you downloaded action replay on your pc, first of all, open up the code manager, find the code that you want under " my code lists, or my subscriptions" then drag the game name into the nds area, for that to appear you have to plug in your action replay using the wire it came with

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just enter it in your ds

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Q: How can i download action replay with no disc?
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Can you download cheats on a action replay disc?

no because i said no

Will the Action Replay DSi disc work on a desktop?

Yes, it will! This is how you can download more cheats.

Can you use an Action Replay on a Mac?

yes, but you have to download the software from the internet not the disc that comes with it!

What do you do with the action replay disc?

you can put it in a PC and download it so you can get newer codes for newer games.

How do you download action replay without disc?

you cannot so buy it again is the only option

You never received a disc and need to update action replay?

there's this site where you get the codes thing and you download it watch youtube how to use action replay and you will find the site.

How do you use the action replay code manager Dsi?

put in your code manager disc and download the software

What does the disk that comes with action replay DS do?

The disc that comes with the Action Replay DS is the "Action Replay Code Manager". You can add, delete, and modify codes by using it. It is extremely helpful because you can just paste the long codes in there, instead of manually entering them. You can download the Action Replay Code Manager using the disc that came with it, or you can download it at Codejunkies. You can find out a tutorial on how to install the Action Replay Code Manager and how to add codes using it at WARC:

What does the old action replay disc go to?

If by "action replay disc" you mean the installation disc for the computer software that comes with Action Replay DS/DSi, once you've installed it you can throw it away.

How do you get a replacement disc for the action replay?

you have to buy a new action replay. trust me it has happened to me to.

Were do you get an action replay disc?

it comes with the action replay chip thingy if u buy it at target

How do you get codes on to an action replay do you have to connect it up to the internet or can you just type the ones you know in and were do i find or get action replay codes HELP?

you download new codes using your PC that has downloaded the disc the action replay came with, to find new codes search on Google: action replay codes for [insert game name here]