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An ISP and HTTP with a browser software

Well first you need a ISP (internet Service Provider) For example BT, O2, Or Be. And Either a phone line or Cable line. You would then need a Modem or Router connected to a telephone point in your house, and then a ethernet cable to your pc/laptop etc. (Whatever you want to connect to the internet). It is also worth mentioning that if you are getting broadband your speed may be affected by factors such as distance from the nearest exchange, line quality, and isp package etc.. It is worth researching these things first.

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17y ago

your are already connected if you posted that question

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14y ago

Like a normal modem, to your cable or phone line. the only difference is it is wireless to your comp(s).

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12y ago

things... so kik]


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Q: How can I connect to the Interent?
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ppl just amd it for fun

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absouloutely nothing its all good

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For US civilians, since about 1991.

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It depends on your interent connection.

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the internet owner fake to make people buy there interent and than u have to sign a agreement that probably would say "YOU HAVE TO KEEP INTERNET AT LEAST A YEAR" and thanu sign it and after when u get interent...ur interent is stupid and doesn't work as it was told by the owner so u can't break the u gotta think before u get interent and plus u might get stuck with stupid internet that is not what it is told by owner i hoped it helped!

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