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Like what is that what like I know you like staring but pls stop like

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Eniyah Johnson

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3y ago
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Q: How Do you know if a gangster 4 grader supposed to be a 5 grader but flunk his grade how do you know if he likes you like he keeps starring like it’s creepy but we stair into he others eyes?
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How much does a second grader supposed to weigh?

more than a first-grader

How are you supposed to act when you become a sixth grader?

Be your self but don't be too out going.

How much is the average seventh grader supposed to weigh?

90 to 110 pounds

I am a 10th grader and im interested in going out with an 8th grader we like each other a lot she hints she wants to go out or do something usually by touching me an starring into my eyes for awhile?

just do it u both lyk each other

What should a sixth grader weight?

I am a sixth grader and I weigh about 97 pounds. But it also depends on their height. I am 5' 3'', and I am supposed to be 115 lbs, so an average sixth grader should weigh about 90-125 lbs.

Is a fifth grader supposed to weigh 70 pounds?

I do not know but I am a fith grader and I weigh 72 pounds.

Is a 3rd grader supposed to be 5' 1?

This depends on the third grader. I was 4' 8'' in third grade and was one of the tallest kids for my age. My mature height is 6' 4'' at age 22.

How can you get a 7th grader who is supposed to be a 8th grader go out with a 6th grader that he's really close with and might like?

straight up, i think that you should run around the schoolyard with your hair covered in peanut butter and nutella. tell him that you are really kewl. wait is dis a boy? lemme no.

Is a third grader supposed to weigh 90 pounds?

No, but it really depends on the height. For the average third grader 90 pounds would be way too much, but if you are extremely tall then perhaps 90 pounds is just right for you.

What if a 5th grader girl likes a 1st year high school but the boy doesn't know who is the girl how can the girl know something about the boy?

stalk him. but dont be creepy just hangout inside his closet.

Can a 21 year old boy legally date a 16 year old girl in Montana?

As far as I know there is a two year max age difference for sex in the US. But that is creepy. An adult and an 8th grader.

What is needed for the first day of school at jay m Robinson middle school?

hey, i got to Jay M. Robinson Iam an 8th grader So dont wory im not like some creepy old man. I haev ms.Nikolaus and my ister is a 6 th grader there. yea pretty cool. what grade are you in. please comment back, this is cool!!