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Q: Have me and youll want to share me share me and you've lost me Who am I?
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If you want you and you want to share you but if you share you inot have you?

if you have it, you want to share it. if you share it, you don't have it.

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That's not a question.

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if you want to use the abilities you have to fight with whateva zombie you got the ability for, AFTER YOUVE UNLOCKED IT

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the kind that makes you think that you've truly had enough. youll now your breaking point ,and when it happens youll wont turn back. youll go ahead.

If you have it you want to share it. If you share it you do not have it. What is it?

A secret.

If you have it you want to share it If you share it you don't want it back?

Not necessarily. You could only share some of it, or maybe share it in such a way as to retain ownership.

If you have it you want to share it. But if you share it you don't have it.?


If you have it you want to share it if you share it you don't have it. What is it?

its a secret

If you have me you want to share me but if you share me you lose me what am i?

A secret.

If you have it you want to share it if you share it you dont have it what is it?

A secret