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Jet Pack Joy Ride - Psp

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Q: Games under 20 MB for psp?
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How many MB are in a 2gb PSP?

There are 2000 MB in a 2 GB PSP. (1000 MB=1 GB). I had a 4gb card in my psp, but my psp only had 3839MB. Therefore I think that 2gb may be have 18**mb in your psp.

How many games can a psp 30 MB memory stick hold?

Not alot about 2 games 3 being the max but if it is a demo 4 to 5

Can the PSP vita play PSP games?

Yeah its the same thing. The only difference is that the PSP SLim is lighter, has 64 rams and da fat one is fatter and has only 32 mb RAMS. PSP Slim could use Skype. BUt you could still play the games on both PSP's. its the same game. not different

How much can you store on a 32 mb psp stick?

32 megabytes.

How special is The PSP go compare to all other PSPs?

PSP go has an 16GB built-in memory unlike other PSPs that has 36 MB & others has 62 MB.

What is the maximum length of Video to upload at facebook?

1,024 MB or under 20 minutes

Can you still play games on your psp without a memory card?

Yes but its useless because you can't save them, get a cheap 512 mb memory stick for save games. Any more then that is only useful for demos and movies

How many games can a xbox 360 4gb hold my wii only has 512 mb memory yet I have played 20 games on it?


How much can you store on a 1 GB memory stick for PSP?

1000 mb

How do you download 20 MB car racing games?

If you are using a smartphone (i.e. Iphone) you need to have a wifi network to do it.

How was the PSP designed?

The psp was designed by a bunch of psp desiners in japan. but before the psp was told to the public, the design was changed alot, it went from touch screen buttons to real buttons. They where going to only have 8 mb ram for it TOO!!!, but they changed it to 32 on the old psp. They had a square button issue in japan, but i think they fixed it when they sold it to america.

How much memory does 1 downloded psp game take?

about 500 mb 1 psp game takes up roughly 1 gig of space on the memory card per game