To get past the geyser, you need a stone chisel and a stone hammer. Walk up to the big rock and inspect it. Your sim will use the chisel and the hammer to push it down into the geyser. :)
u have to do it from different angles
If your talking about Sims Castaway Stories then you have to get past the tiger and way farther then that because I haven't gotten there yet.
No, there are no pirates in sims castaway.
There's no game sims castaway, just sims casaway 2.
On the second Island just past the cave there is a chasm there to.
yes, they have the sims 2 castaway for the PS2
I believe you can play Sims Castaway Stories without having to download the Sims 2 Castaway expansion pack.
the sims 2 castaway is like the sims 2 just your stuck on an island and you ethier live there or try your best to get back home. P.S. sims on PC = sims castaway stories sims on anything else= sims 2 castaway
no you can not have a baby on the sims 2 castaway on ds or ps2 or psp only on sims castaway stories for PC
NO the sims castaway people cant have children on the wii. You can have children on the Sims 2 Castaway for pc.
You can get sims castaway on both PSP and the DS
The Sims Castaway Stories happened in 2008.