maby if this question stays up,it will be answered, but anyways it is wrong to use moparscape or any other runescape private server so just make a REAL runescape account and keep working for it.... i, belive it or not, have a elysian spirit shield and i have only been playing for 2 yrs and i only play 1 hr or less a day.
Elysian code is the code/language of the vampires of Elysia or Stokerton. (The CHronicles of Vladmir Tod)
the shield
The airport code for North Spirit Lake Airport is YNO.
..... you get the flute in spirit tracks........idiot
ummm i can tell one 1187
Spirit Air has a code of NK that is used in the stock market exchange. They use this code because SA is already taken by another company.
i only know this one:alinas-glow-shield-green.png
You have to contact the Mil company to get your registration code. If you have already bought Mil Shield software and you have remaining free yearly upgrades, then we will send your registration code immediately, just write to: or If you don't own Mil Shield software, buy it and then you will receive immediately your registration code after the purchase. regards, Anna.