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no slayer doesnt because you can get xp for your cb lvl from att str def range mage prayer summoning and hp so your going to be using 1 of those methods for slayer so you dont really need it to get up cb lvls.

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Q: Dose slayer get your combat up in runescape?
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Doing slayer is a great way to level up because most of the beasts you get set tasks on give great combat exp as well as slayer exp. Summoning for members can also give you combat levels as well, but the levels will only be for members worlds, not non members.

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How do you get 65 slayer on runescape between 1-2 weeks?

Well, I do not know your slayer level, but I can say Slayer is one of the most profitable and exciting skills to train your combat. Slayer is a slow skill so I would be uncertain on how long you are willing to fight monsters. The only way to train Slayer is by getting Slayer tasks from the Slayer masters so try there first. Speaking to the Slayer master in the Edgeville Dungeon should be good for you. If your Slayer level is low then try speaking to the lower-level Slayer masters first and then build up to better ones.

How do you get your slayer level up fast in runescape?

Slayer is generally a slow skill to raise, but it can be speed up by doing any of the following: -Have a high combat level before you start slayer, it will make all the difference, since slayer is really basically just 1 xp for every damage you do. -Use a cannon, can do up to 30, so if you can afford it, it really makes it go a lot faster -If you get something really strong, such as steel dragons, switch to an easy task by going to Tureal in Burthrope. That task will take only a few minutes, but it will allow you to get a new, easier task sooner. I love runescape :):) ^_^

What is the easy way to level up?

Slayer is the easiest and best way. You train a multitude of combat skills as well as your Slayer level.

How do you make your combat level go you fast on runescape?

to go up in combat level you need to go up levels in strength, attack, defence, hitpoints, prayer and summoning.NOTE: Magic ,range ,and and slayer do put up your combat level but it takes much higher lvls for them to affect it, no other skills do affect combat lvl.The highest combat level you can get is 138, this is when you have level 99 in all strength, attack, defence, hit points, prayer and summoning

How do you start working up slayer in rune scape?

You go to a "Slayer Master" (there are seven of them, for different slayer and combat levels), and ask him to give you a slayer assignment. When you are finished, go back to the slayer master, and ask for the next assignment. Every time you kill a monster that is assigned as a slayer task, you will gain Slayer experience - apart from the normal combat experience you gain.More details here: go to a "Slayer Master" (there are seven of them, for different slayer and combat levels), and ask him to give you a slayer assignment. When you are finished, go back to the slayer master, and ask for the next assignment. Every time you kill a monster that is assigned as a slayer task, you will gain Slayer experience - apart from the normal combat experience you gain.More details here: go to a "Slayer Master" (there are seven of them, for different slayer and combat levels), and ask him to give you a slayer assignment. When you are finished, go back to the slayer master, and ask for the next assignment. Every time you kill a monster that is assigned as a slayer task, you will gain Slayer experience - apart from the normal combat experience you gain.More details here: go to a "Slayer Master" (there are seven of them, for different slayer and combat levels), and ask him to give you a slayer assignment. When you are finished, go back to the slayer master, and ask for the next assignment. Every time you kill a monster that is assigned as a slayer task, you will gain Slayer experience - apart from the normal combat experience you gain.More details here:

In runescape 2 how can you level up magic without leveling up a combat level?

Can Not Be Done.

How do you get slayer up?

You have to go to a slayer master and ask for a task. Turael in burthope would be the best for somebody just starting Slayer. However, if you are higher level combat you should try Chaelder in Zanaris (Lost City). Good luck with slayer!

Where should you train on runescape when your combat level is 75?

There are a truly lot of answers for that questions. The best suggestions are: P2P: Slayer Masters, Green Dragons F2P: Hobgoblins, Moss Giants, Red Spiders

How do you train slayer on RuneScape?

Do slayer tasks (Member's Only), there is a easy slayer master in Burthorpe, you can get there quickly by right clicking, then click rub on a Games Necklace and then going to burthorpe games room, go up the stairs, then outside would be burthorpe.

Does fishing raise your combat level in runescape?

No. Only combat skills will raise your combat level. Just remember that prayer and summoning will raise your combat if your level them up. All other skills will not.