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Sonic is Shadow's brother.

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Q: Dose shadow have a brother
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When was In My Brother's Shadow created?

In My Brother's Shadow was created in 2003.

When was Shadow of My Brother created?

Shadow of My Brother was created in 1966.

Does shadow have a sister or brother?

Well i don't know if shadow has a sister but I know that he has a brother and his name is Sonic.If Sonic has another brother or sister that its shadow's sister and brother. Note : That Shadow and Sonic are hedgehogs and sonic is faster

Does Shadow have a brother?


Who is shadow's brother?

shadow is sonic's little brother because soic was created first and they are twins

Did harry hill have a brother?

NO no he dose not have a brother

Does Shadow the Hedgehog have a brother?

No he does not.

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What is shadow the hedgehogs brothers names?

Shadow doesn't have a brother.

Dose a clear bottle of water make a shadow?

of course

Dose shadow the hegehog have toes?

yes you ning nong

Dose Taylor Swift have a brother?

Yes, she has a younger brother called Austin.