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Q: Does twisted mean conclusive
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Twisted transistor in the song, is a dildo

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Black tooth twisted metal?

Sorry, but I don't believe there is a black tooth twisted metal, what you must mean is Twisted metal black.

Is there a video game called twisted?

If you mean 'Twisted Metal',then Ya,there's a whole series.

What does twisted mean in a sentence im so twisted right now?

It means that you're high.

What does no conclusive mean?

"No conclusive" means that there is not enough evidence, information, or proof to confirm a definitive conclusion or decision. It indicates uncertainty or lack of finality in a particular situation or outcome.

What does Trenzado mean?

It means 'twisted' in Spanish.

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Twisted Pair

What does the word twisted mean in slang?

In slang, "twisted" can mean being very drunk or intoxicated. It is often used to describe someone who is heavily under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Make a sentence using the word conclusive?

Conclusive means to prove something. A sentence with conclusive in it would be, the tests were not conclusive, so they had to try different types of testing.

Can you make a sentence using the word conclusive?

The blood tests made a conclusive diagnosis. Conclusive testing can show positive or negative results. Conclusive simply means definite. While the patient had a preliminary diagnosis of leukemia, negative results of tests were conclusive.

What does it mean if your vein and artery are twisted?

This means your at risk of an anerism.