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yes and no it still features desmond but there is a new assassin ezio auditore da firenze and also there is altair in part of the game look out for Assassins Creed brotherhood

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Q: Does the story line for assassins creed 2 continue off of 1?
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Which game has a larger map Assassins Creed 2 or Assassins Creed brotherhood?

assassins creed 2 has definatly a larger map but the kill streaks are much better on assassins creed brotherhood but the story line is alot better in assassins creed 2 hope you have fun with assassins creed 2 or brotherhood ;)

What is better assassins creed 2 or assassins creed brotherhood?

Assassin's Creed 2 is a very good game and a brilliant story line. Assassins Creed Brotherhood is worse but the better thing is that you get to call Assassins's i personaly think that AC2 is much better!!!!

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Yes. It is.

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Definitely Assassin's Creed if you like a good story line LFD2 if you like playing with your friends but gets boring : (

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no they dont you have to be logged into psn to play assassins creed brotherhood multiplayer. btw its a great game id give it a 9/10 :)

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Why is assassins creed 3 anti british?

Assassin's Creed 3 follows a certain story line, based on historical reconstruction. At that time Italy may not be having friendly relations with Britain. Therefor, you are finding it anti- British.

Will there be an Assassins Creed on- line game?

I just got off Assassins creed Brotherhood. Yah sure I bet they will make an online... Oh wait... I just assassinate my friend from a bale of hay.... Another person: Actually, yes you can play an online game of assassins creed + you can buy a pc version of AC 3

What is new about Assassin's Creed 2?

The story line and how it functions.

Is Assassin's Creed revelations better than uncharted 3?

Definately, assassins creed revelations has good graphics followed by an intense story line and awesome weapons, the way you do things such as opening stores is a great way to experience a new game style of the ezio life, HOOK BLADE IS AWESOME ASWELL!

What is the code for the truth file 12 in assassins creed 2?

The answer is 1= two lines and a dot, 3= three lines, and 9= a line and two dots