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Q: Does the ordon sword do less damage than the master sword in legend of Zelda twilight princess?
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When do you get the skills to turn into a wolf at will in Legend of Zelda twilight princess?

After getting the master sword.

When do you get the master sword in legend of Zelda twilight princess?

You get it when you go into the Sacred Grove.(the first time)

What Zelda games do they have for the GameCube system?

Legend of Zelda wind walker and twilight princess There is also collectors edition and master quest.

How many Temples do you have to pass before obtaining the Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess?

you need to pass four temples before getting the master sword.

Where is Barnes on Zelda the twilight prinsess?

He is the Master Bomb Maker in Zelda Twilight Princess

Where is the master sword located in twilight princess?

The Sacred Grove

What is the most powerful sword in twilight princess?

The Master Sword.

In the legend of Zelda twilight princess how long does the master sword last?

once you get keep it. its bean like that for all the Zelda games except for ocarine of time and majora's mask

Where do you find the master sword in the Legend of Zelda the twilight princess?

It is at the beginning of the sixth dungeon the Temple of Time. well yes it is there but you go there later in the game so you go to the sacred grove

Is there a mega sword in Legend of Zelda twilight princess?

Nope, just the master sword or the ordon sword. Not even one that's used as another item, like the great faerie sword from majoras mask.

How do I find the Puppet master in the legend of Zelda twilight princess?

Well, if you mean Skull Kid in the lost Wood, you have to follow his light and hit him. But sometime, he is well hidden like in a tree .If you're a human you must hit him with an arrow.

When do you get the master word in twilight princess?

It will come eventually. Follow the story and you will get there. You get it after finding the last fused shadow.