Do PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games work on the PlayStation 3?
It depends. the only playstation 3 that i know of that can play
psOne and ps2 games is the 60gb. The 60gb playstation 3 is the
playstation that has the most features. It came with 4 USB slots, 4
memory card readers (located in the black overhang that is left of
the disk drive), one sixaxis controller (not dualshock.. they are
not as heavy because they don't have a vibrating motor so they
don't vibrate), and the ability to read playstation 2 disks.
i have not tried a psOne game, but i am pretty sure that it is
capable of it. my friend has an 80gb playstation 3 and his cannot
play the older playstation games.
if you do have a 60gb ps3, then it will not play them unless you
download something from the playstation store. you have to download
"ps2 system data" or something like that.
i have also tried downloading the system software on my friends
80gb and it still said that the ps2 disk was an unsupported
so all i know is that the old 60gb does and the old 80gb