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Yes it comes with a cable that plugs in to the wall

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Q: Does the Official Xbox 360 Quick Charge Kit plug into the wall?
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Can you plug an iPod into an Xbox 360?

yes you can, your ipod should charge when connected and you can play songs from your ipod on the xbox

Can you charge a MP3 player from a XBOX 360?

if your mp3 charger has a usb then yes just plug the usb into the xbox. it worked with my wii

Can you charge a iPod on a Xbox 360?

Does a xbox 360 have an usb port, if so, plug the computer connector (for the ipod) into the xbox. It might say do not disconnect, but that mean that it is charging.

Do you need to buy batteries for the ps3 controllers just like the XBOX 360 controllers or no?

No. You plug it in and charge it.

What goes behind an Xbox controller?

The battery pack. You will get a battery holder but you can buy a plug and play charge kit.

What do you do if a xbox controller is blinking?

It is saying that your battery or plug & play charger kit is low. Charge your adapter or change batteries.

What are the pros and cons of the Xbox 360 controllers?

cons you have to change batteries on the controller while ps3 you can plug into game and charge and play

How do you charge your xbox 360 wireless controller?

To recharge your xbox 360 wireless controller you need to buy a play and charge kit(highly recomended) then plug it into the front of the controller and into one of the controller ports then turn on your console and play while it charges.

Can you plug Xbox contorlers into an Xbox 360?

you dont

When you plug your xbox power supply into the wall the orange light comes on as usual but as soon as you plug the power supply into your Xbox the light turns red and the Xbox wont turn on?

While the Xbox is turned off, plug the power supply into the xbox first. Then plug it into the wall and it should be orange. Turn on the xbox and then the light will change to green.

Do you have to have and Xbox cam to use an Xbox live cam?

if it has a USB plug it should work on your computer and whatnot.(cause the xbox controllers plug it )

How do you charge batteries in wireless Xbox 360 controller?

you go to Gamestop, buy a recharagable battery for a XBox 360, you buy a recharage cable, then you put the battery in the back of the controller and plug in the cable. Wow. How did you not figure that out?