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yes cyber pegusus does come with the wii game. But,it only in Japan

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Q: Does cyber pegusus come with the wii Beyblade game?
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you can get it in a beyblade video collecters game

Does Beyblade ds come with a metal Beyblade?

No, Beyblade DS does not come with a physical metal Beyblade. It is a video game for the Nintendo DS that allows players to battle with virtual Beyblades on the screen.

Were could you get Cyber Pegasus?

you can get it in a beyblade collectors edition ds game only!

When is cyber pegasus going to come out?

Well, It originally came out in Beyblade Metal Fusion: The Video Game special edition at Toy's R Us. However, it came out as Cyber Pegasus 100 HF in the game, while now it is out in the Legend packs as Cyber Pegasus 105 F.

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If you mean Sora's beyblade, Cyber ( cyber pegasus ) you have to get it from the video game: "Beyblade Metal Fusion, Cyber Pegasus" there will be the beyblade in the game. Even though it is a metal face, it comes with stickers and you can put the sticker on the facebolt.

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Does cyber pegasus video game come with a launcher?


When does the new Beyblade game for the ds come out?

came out already(Beyblade Metal Fusion) nov.11 a one after that hasn't been annouced yet :)

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yes the beyblade is fun

Is there a Beyblade DS game?

there is a beyblade ds game i looked at the tralier it looked like it was going to be stupid fun you can create the bey like beyblade look like the game will be fun. have fun playing it people