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I'm sure lots of them do, but I don't think they would publicly announce it.

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Q: Does any football player have Xbox Live?
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Do any burnley players have an xbox live gamertag?

Burnley football, Burnley what? There are probably loads of Burnley people on Xbox live.

What lifestyle will a pro football player be able to aford?

a football player will be able to be rich and live in a mansion. They don't have to pay for any of there trips that they go on

Is there any girl xbox live players?

yes there are. if you watch the trailer for the halo reach beta, Aisha Tyler implies that she is an xbox live player, so there must be others somewhere

Anyone know any original xbox live codes that will work or any trial offers?

there is nomore xbox live on old xbox onily on xbox 360 and if you play xbox live on the 360 you can use 2 players 1 w/xbox live and 1 w/no xbox live

What is the difference between an xbox 360 elite and xbox 360 live?

Xbox live is just online you can get live for any Xbox such as Xbox arcade, xbox elite,the slim.Live is not a console.

Can you still get on Xbox live with Xbox pro?

if you mean the xbox pro console then of course you can you can go on live with any xbox console

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What is an Xbox Live Ambassador?

Xbox Live Ambassadors are community members who have been considered to be helpful to all other Xbox Live gamers, that have any questions regarding Xbox Live or games.

Do any Xbox 360 games require Xbox live?


Which Xbox console uses Xbox live?

Any Xbox 360 console that has some for of memory unit, whether its internal or external, can use Xbox live.

Do you have to pay to play halo 3 on Xbox live?

Yes, you have to pay for Xbox Live for any game

Can you do multiplayer on Xbox live?

Yes, Xbox live means you can access any game which provides multilayer.