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Yes. She kisses you after you save her 3 times.

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Q: Does Rosie kiss you in Fossil Fighters?
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How do you get out of the jail cell after you lose to bullwort in fossil fighters?

u just keep on talking to rosie and rex gets you out go fossil fighters -

How do you get the big rock out of the way in Mt Lavaflow in Fossil Fighters?

save rosie

When do you meet Duna in the park area on fossil fighters?

You just go to the same place that you met Rosie and just skip through when you talk. And she will kiss you. How do I know ? I beat the game.

Action replay cheats for Fossil Fighters?

kiss my butt

How do you get the fourth idol on fossil fighters?

first you do the save rosie quest then go to mtn lavaflow

How do you get out of prison cell that BB Boss put you in fossil fighters?

i know how u ned to help rosie out

In the ds game fossil fighters how do you get rid of the big rock in mt lavaflow?

you save Rosie then go back

Does duna kiss you in fossil fighters?

yes she does.She likes you for saving her life in MT.Lavaflow

Where is Rosie's Grandpa in Fossil Fighters?

He is in Richmond building top right room and Richmond building us in guild area

Can you transfer your dinosaurs from Fossil Fighters to Fossil Fighters Champions?

No but you can send fossils from fossil fighters to fossil fighters champions.

Why does Rosie like your character so much in Fossil Fighters?

You saved her soo many times like three or four times