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Q: Does PETSAFE wireless fence transmitter work in the cold?
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Does cold weather effect wireless signals?

In general, normal cold weather does not affect wireless signals. However, extremely cold weather could cause issues for external antennae that are exposed to conditions.

Why do you asphalt fence posts?

To keep moisture from invading the concrete bases and slowly cracking them as the season go from hot to cold climates

Can beagles live outside in the winter?

Yes, beagles can live outside they are hunting dogs. If puppies are born in very cold temperatures they should be brought in along with the mother. It depends on the enviorment. How cold or hot is it?Does it rain ? Is there too much Sun? Is the area fenced? Can the dog jump over or under the fence? Do you have a proper dog house?The personality of the dog? Will it Bark or cry all day? Are there preditors able to get at the dog? jumping over or diging under the fence?Is the fence properly LOCKED??

Usage of hot line in a sentence?

Krushchev activated the Hot-line transmitter to contact President Eisenhower- trouble was, Ike was out on the Golf Course ( it happened) thus was the tale of the General who almost lost the Cold War on the golf links.

Can people swim in the quilotoa lagoon?

I did, it was really cold. Really cold. Since then (2009 was when we went in) I think they have put up a fence to keep people out, citing the high sulfur content. They told us also that there is a local legend that you will have only boys if you swim in it, but not until after we had already gone in.

How do you make your home energy efficient?

For winter, seal all holes where cold air may get in. If you have large single pane windows, cover them inside with poly. (there are special kits to do this in hardware stores, cheap). If possible, have a shelter or some kind of airlock at your front door. -( I have a front patio, that had a gate and a fence. This year I built large windows in over the fence,and a full screen door instead of the gate. We've already noticed a huge improvement in warmth) -In general, fix anything that let's cold in.

How are coniferous forest affected by people?

The coniferous forests are usually long, cold and have snowy winters. People living around the coniferous forests usually practice lumbering alongside other economic activities.

Are swamp's hot or cold?

Cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold coldcold clod cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold

Rockets made in Canada?

Canada is a cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold place

Is iron maiden an antichrist band?

* Those that are not for Christ are against Him. You are either on one side of the fence or the other otherwises you will fall off. Hot or cold, not luke warm. Is Iron Maiden the AntiChrist? No they are not. Can they be anti Christian? Possibly. * No, Iron Maiden is not an anti-christian band.

When will Cavity Alarms Become invented?

It will be tough to develop a cavity alarm because it will need a way of allowing the teeth to engage in wireless communication with another device. At the moment, it is better to stick to the traditional ways such as noticing any pain or sensitivity when the teeth touch cold foods.

What is the swamp temperature?

The temperature in a swamp can vary depending on location, time of year, and time of day. On average, swamp temperatures can range from 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86°F) but can fluctuate based on environmental factors.