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No it does not. Reason for me saying: I bought GW GotY before EotN ever came out.

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Q: Does Guild Wars Game of the year edition include Eye of the North?
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What is guild wars?

Guild Wars is the best game ever! You don't have to pay a monthly fee which is cool. You install it into your computer and then it is run through internet. Guild Wars has the core/main edition plus Nightfall and Factions. Soon they are going to come out with a Guild Wars 2! If you type in Guild in your search bar you will go to the main website for guild wars!

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It is a PS2 game edition similar to the North American Greatest Hits Edition but for the PAL regions

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Physical Pre-Purchase for Guild Wars 2 is only available at select retailers. The details of how this will work will differ slightly depending on which edition customers purchase and where they purchase it. Standard Edition (North America)-Customers will buy the Standard Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive a Pre-Purchase serial code. They will then go to and follow the on-screen instructions to create a Guild Wars 2 account and apply the serial code, which will give them access to Beta Weekend Events, the Hero's Band digital item, and three-day Headstart Access to the final game.

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suck my gochu

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The most popular online multiplayer game in North America is currently League of Legends. Other popular online multiplayer games include World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2.

Is the shivering isles in the oblivion game of the year edition?

the Shivering Isle is in the game of the year edition, although you have to unlock it by finding the lost orb of shivering kings. this will unlock the island when you bring it to either the King of Tamriel. you can change events on the Island by giving the Orb to either the King or The Head of theives guild.

Does collectors edition of Fable 2 include knothole island?

no but the game of the year edition does along with see the future

How do you make a guild on Gates Of Andaron?

Once you reach the 20th Level with in the game you can then go see the Guild NPC and start a guild. There a dozens of guild in the game like Ministry (, Sagah and ChurchofKrymm

Guildwiki is an unofficial term to which NCsoft game?

Guildwiki is an unofficial term to the NCsoft game Guild Wars. Since 2002, NCsoft owns ArenaNet who was the development studio of the game Guild Wars. Guild Wars is a PC game that is action orientated.

What is the guild MurderMystery?

It is a guild on the online game Wonderland Online. Nya68 is the leader of the guild. also the guild is allies with "Confuzzled". Nya68 is usually located on Aries 2.

What was the first guild in guild wars?

The first guild in Guild Wars was named Zealots of Shiverpeak. Their guild tag was [ZoS]. They were founded in the year 2003, on the 10th of October during the game's alpha testing, and they remain the oldest guild in Guild Wars to this day.