

Does Gravemind die in Halo 3?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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14y ago

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When Master Chief rescues Cortana on High Charity, which crashed on the Ark, he overloads the engines and blows it up(kind of like the ending of Halo:Combat Evolved)with Gravemind on it. It is most likely he died by the explosion, but later Cortana states, "Chief- Gravemind, he's-another gravemind is being created. We have to stop them by firing this ring!" some people say Gravemind somehow managed to survive, while other Bungie workers say they know the secret to Gravemind and if he really died with the Flood along his side

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Sometimes, my xbox got all jacked up and i was gravemind. Then when you play as him, you get tentacles!! I'm just kidding. It is practicaly impossible to be Gravemind in the game. :)

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The arbiter kills him with an energy sword

Who is the gravemind?

Gravemind is an evil giant... tentacle... root... thing that controls the zombies in Halo known as the flood. In one part of Halo 3, Gravemind loses control over the flood and they start helping master chief and the arbitier to get revenge on the profet for killing miranda keyes.

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the prophet of regret died in halo with gravemind due to graveminds wants and eagerness to show the arbiter and Masterchief who the true power was. gravemind killed the prophet of regret in this scene, or just before.

Who is gravemin in Halo 3?

umm you cou;d be more clear but if your saying wat is gravemind then it is when enough flood form together to develop intelligence if you are saying wat is the gravemind in Halo 3 it is an intelligence formed together by all the flood that escaped the second halo onto the elite ship i forget wat its called at the end of halo 2

In Halo 3 did the elites join forces with the graveminds?

no Gravemind was the leader of the flood and that virus. The elites in halo 3 join the UNSC marines as they fight the covenant and the flood

What is the planet in the last scene of Halo 3?

First of all its a ring...and that's why it doesnt have a name... Its the halo that was created at The Ark and Gravemind was using it to rebuild himself but cortana made it go boom

In halo how do you find cortona in the essofagas?

you know you are getting closer when gravemind keeps screaming at you

What is halo 3 about?

Halo 3 is about the profit of truth trying to activate the halo rings, and saving cortana the pillar of auttum's ai from the floods leader the gravemind which is in the prophets holy city high charity. The ark where there was a portal in where newmombasa used to be in halo3 odst but later the covenant found what they where looking for and yes halo 3 osdt is in the middle of halo 3 and halo2s timline as it is in halo offical websites timeline.

What is a gravemind?

A Gravemind is when many intelligent flood forms merge together and become a greater itelligent lifeform. If you have halo 2, you'll see it on the level, "Gravemind" at the beginning of the level in the preview. It's that big creepy low voiced thing that capture the aribitar and Master Chief.