The DS/DSi trade-in offer has expired. You can always try checking GameStop's website (below) or your local GameStop.
Yes, Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire are 3DS games and therefore they're available to be played on any of the Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 2DS systems that can play 3DS games and that includes Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo 2DS, the New Nintendo 3DS and the New Nintendo 3DS XL.
The price at Target (and really, any store you go to with the exception of used 3DSs at Gamestop) is Nintendo's MSRP, $169.99 (plus tax)
Yes, the Nintendo 3DS family can play Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi games. However, some games that require the GBA slot (Guitar Hero) will not work for the Nintendo 3DS.The Nintendo 3DS family includes:- Nintendo 3DS- Nintendo 3DS XL (LL)- Nintendo 2DS- New Nintendo 3DS- New Nintendo 3DS XL (LL)
Yes, you can. The Nintendo 3DS XL is the same thing as the original 3DS except it has a 90% larger screen and better 3D and such. They are both compatible for the DS Pokemon games. I trade Pokemon all the time using both my 3DS and my DS Lite. I don't have a 3DS XL, but yes it will work on the XL since it is a DS system.
AnswerNo there will not be any CoD for Nitendo 3Ds.
It will work, but Nintendo says there will not be any special features specifically for the 3DS.
Yes, all Nintendo 3DS variants can play Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi games.The Nintendo 3DS family includes:- Nintendo 3DS- Nintendo 3DS XL (LL)- Nintendo 2DS- new Nintendo 3DS- new Nintendo 3DS XL (LL)
The "Nintendo 3DS" family of consoles includes- - Nintendo 3DS (2011) - Nintendo 3DS XL - Nintendo 2DS - New Nintendo 3DS - New Nintendo 3DS XL Yes. Any member of the 3DS "family" can play 3DS games, but be aware that some games may be restricted to newer hardware -- Xenoblade Chronicles 3D can only be played on New Nintendo 3DS systems and as such cannot be played on older hardware, while Majora's Mask 3D makes use of the New 3DS's extra buttons and C-stick, but can be played on older hardware.
Of course not. What would Gamestop have to gain by a straight exchange of a new console for a second hand one. You'd get the standard trade-in rate for your used 3DS, which varies, but probably will be no more than 2/3 of the price of a new 3DS.
No a Nintendo 3DS can not play a PS3 game of any title
There are currently no plans to release any models of the Nintendo 3DS XL other than the original Nintendo 3DS. But it's good just the same way it is.