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She and Selena Gomez share an account called DemiSelOfficial, Believe me there real (: They also have another stardoll, at Demid.lovato1, Shameonuposers, and ImSelenaGomez.

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Q: Does Demi has a stardoll
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What is Demi Lovato's Stardoll?

Demi's stardoll is DemiOfficial. With a period. Her proof is at Btw I met her at a concert, she said she might make a stardoll.

What is Demi Lovato's stardoll name?

Demi Lovato's real stardoll account is Demi.Devonne. All the other members who claim to be Demi are posers.WikiAwnsers

What is Demi Lovato's Stardoll User Name?

Demi Lovato's real stardoll account is Demi.Devonne. All the other meber who claim to be Demi are posers.WikiAnswers

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Demi Lovato's real account on stardoll is Demi.Devonne. All the other members who claim to be Demi are posers.WikiAnswers

Is there a Demi Lovato doll on Stardoll?

Yes, there is a Demi Lovato doll on Stardoll. You can find it in the "related links" section below or under the "actresses" section on Stardoll.

Does Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato have a stardoll?

No they don't but there are dolls of them :D

Does Demi Lavoto play on Stardoll?

Yes she does, :)! Its DemiSelOfficial, Demid.lovato1, and shameonuposers.

How do you get a Demi Lovato dress on stardoll?

You had to join the Princess club, but it is to late to get it now.

Does Demi Lovato have a Stardollcom?

Yes it is TheRealDemiLx She vid chatted with me and on her new youtube she said that her stardoll was that and she has a lot of proof too !!!

What is Moises Arias Stardoll?

he doesn't have one YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But Selena Gomez Have one it's selgomez--- and realseligomez so does Demi Lovato hers is R.DemiLovato and therealdemlovat

What is the stardoll e?

its a stardoll you can make it on stardoll ,com from england

What was stardoll's name before the name got changed to stardoll?

stardoll's name before stardoll was