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Q: Do you want my Pokemon pearl Friend Code?
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Do you want to battle Pokemon pearl BOMBS id 25727?

ok but I need friend code to battle you mine is 5457 5146 9867

What is the code to choose the Pokemon you want and the level on Pokemon pearl?


What is the dsi action replay code on Pokemon pearl?

It depends what code you want.

How do you get shaymin in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

well if u want him i can trade lv 100 with u my friend code is 386869844909 or go to facebook and wyatt comstock

Can someone tell me the code that makes Pokemon in the wild shiny in Pokemon Pearl for the Action Replay?

Psss.. boy, I have the code for Pokemon pearl you want. The code is: K5DIHS9664KSA P4SYIV01367DK and good luck with your new shiny palkia!

What is the code to have dawn's Pokemon on Pokemon diamond with the action replay card?

the answer is to get Dawns Pokemon in Pokemon pearl the code have dawns Pokemon for every code you have to put wha you want!!! its sooooo easy!!!

How do you get a friend code in soul silver?

if you want a pokemon soul river friend code put in shane and the code is 348235686783

How do you get the regis in Pokemon Pearl cheat code?

u cant caught the regis in Pokemon pearl if you want the regis migrate it from sapphire,ruby or emerald

What is the ar code for getting and keeping shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

you don't need a ar code to catch and keep shiny Pokemon in Pokemon pearl all you need to do is find the shiny Pokemon you want and catch it and unless you release it you keep it.

Which trainers in Pokemon Pearl have a murkrow?

you cant get a murk row on Pokemon pearl but you can in Pokemon diamond. instead, pearl gets misdreavous, but if you want a murk row and you only have pearl then find a friend who has diamond and ask if they can catch one and trade it with you.

What code lets you find any Pokemon in the grass in pearl?

if you have a m3 or r4 enable the wild pokemon mod code (you will see all pokemon in that list) from the pokemon you want

On Pokemon pearl if you want to battle give me your FC and name and email it to me so i can get back to you and we can battle

I will my characters name is NIKOLAS and my friend code is 2235 3363 3175