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Q: Do you need assassin creed 2 save file to play assassin creed brotherhood?
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What do you need to acces assassin's creed brotherhood multiplayer beta on PS3?

you will have to pre-order the game. and registrer a code at the website.

Can you unlock ezio in the followers of Romulus outfit on assassin's creed brotherhood?

No. U need to purchase Ezio via Uplay .

What is the order of the assassins creed games?

Mario will explain about the former great assassins of the Creed, which goes back to Ancient Egypt (or so far as Mario knows) as well as explain what happened with the fight between assassins and Templars. The time line order does not have to make sense in this game since the Animus is designed for Desmond Miles to go back and forth to any time and extract memories from his ancestors. Without divulging too much of the story and "The Truth", the puzzles will reveal many conspiracies and involvements of key figures in history relating to the Templars... and they all lead to one point in biblical history. The purpose of the Creed, the mission of the Templars, reference to most of the known events in history such as Oppenheimer's nuke, Nikola Tesla's involvement with ????, the assassination of JFK, The Vatican, The Illuminati, Freemasons, etc. The game might not follow an exact or incremental flow and it doesn't need to. We already know of the many occurences in our history which changed the course of man's destiny. It is Desmonds task to merely understand what his blood line experience which played important parts of history or what they each discovered. I'm hoping this is a question and not just an invitation to blurt, since I love to speil what I find exciting and interesting... shame on you, and me.

Are the assassin creed games better for ps3 or Xbox 360?

They are the exact same games but I am going to say ps3 because in AC brotherhood when playing online you need to pay for LIVE on Xbox but on PS3 it is free.

Does assassin creed brotherhood require a online pass?

No, on line does not require it only battlefield 3 does but u need an account for Up lay Actions where u can get software for your game. Assasin's Creed-Revelations needs an online pass, too.

Can you pickpocket in Assassins Creed bloodlines?

No, you cannot pickpocket in Assassin's Creed Bloodlines. In Assassin's Creed, there was no need for Altair to pickpocket anyone but thugs, and that was for throwing knives. However, in Bloodlines, you can acquire throwing knives by visiting Assassin Bureaus.

Does assassins creed brotherhood need a pass to play online?


Assassins Creed Confused on the ending?

If you want to find out what happend to Altair you need a PSP and buy Assassin's Creed:Bloodlines.If you want to continue the story get Assassin's Creed II.

How do you install assassin's creed riped game by skuvpatura?

do you mean the ISO file by skullptura? then you will need a peice of software called daemon tools. it runs ISO files.

How many flags and crosses are in the first assassin's creed game?

There are 420 flags you will need to collect for Assassins Creed (good luck finding them all)

In assassin's creed 2 how many English swear words are there I really need to know?

ya how many

What is the age raiting for the game Aassassins creed Brotherhood?

At the earliest date. i am thinking 17. oddly enough. during the start off of assassins creed 2. in brother hood. his story starts off on the year 1499. however. on the wikipedia it lists him being born on the year 1459. He should be about 40 years old in this one. to begin the game off with. Source: wikipedia mainly. i searched up "characters of assassin's creed", "Assassins creed 2, and assassins creed brotherhood." If im wrong. take a look ^.^ In assassins creed brotherhood he is in his early to late 40s. Another person: Ezio would need to be 25 since that was how old Desmond and Altair were in the first game, and Desmond does not look much older in the 2nd and 3rd games as he does in the first one